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Wed, 16 Jul 1997 11:38:15 -0700
Pamela Roth <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (28 lines)
Dear Diary,
Even though this day has hardly started I have alot to tell!  Ok it all
started when my mom let me out..I grabbed on her arm and she pulled me out
of my cage was put on the ground.I looked around the room to see if there
was anything I could crawl under,around,or over..and then...I saw the
bathroom counter..Well you know what happened then,I opened the cupboard
with my nose.there is alot of towles and things down there.about two more
feet then I could reach the drawer.I climbed the towels and I was in the
drawer!I looked down ....AHH!..I was very far off the ground!  I turned and
put my paws on the counter..almost there!!...I jumped up and was an inch
away when oh no!  I slipped!  I fell A L O N G 3 feet!!  I landed on... a
BIG ......TOWEL!  thank god!  I plopped off and snorted will NEVER do that
again!  ....and then...I saw the dresser..I climbed from drawer to drawer
and I came to the top and guess what I did?.....I climbed back down!  I did
it all without falling!  well that is what happened so far...more could
happen later I will tell you about it tomorrow or sometime..  I have got to
tell you guys something...I had someone e-mail me!  Thanks BETH!  I have an
Idea how about every 3rd person to e-mail me will be thanked and mentioned
in the next diary.SO get e-mailing!
Lots of snuggles and kisses,chupa
Snuggles!more like scratches! there
lots of scratches and nips,Chupa
The nicest ferret ever!
[Posted in FML issue 2005]