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Wed, 16 Jul 1997 13:25:42 +0200
Johan Folkeson <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (25 lines)
Hello all.
I will soon be the master of a young ferret and have a couple of questions
to the expertice on fml.
I'm not sure the vet will know where to put the vaccine shot.  I have heard
about vets that obviously have not known what to do.  Where vill probably be
the best place to put the needle?  I hope the vet will know what to do, but
just in case.
My second question is about vitamins.  I intend to feed the ferret high
quality cat food and SA-37.  The vitamin Rolls-Rolls SA-37 were temporarily
out of stock at the store so my intention is to try what they had, B-vitamin
liquid for rabbits and birds.  Must the vitamins be capsuled in some special
substance for them to work or will this be alright?  The liquid contains
B1,2,6,12 and C but also Panotenacid, Folinacid and Biotin.  I don't know if
these are the right names in the US (I'm from Sweden) but I would also want
to know if any of these acids are toxic for the ferret.
Thank you!
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www cooming soon!
[Posted in FML issue 2005]