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Sat, 12 Jul 1997 19:38:48 -0700
Paula A Bryder <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (26 lines)
Correction to alpachi's erroneous statement that Florida is ferret friendly.
Florida is a Kill & Test state!  Our babies are legal, but there are
horrendous stories within the last few years of ferrets executions.
In, I believe, 1993, Rascal was literally torn from his ten year old mom's
hands for mouthing someone's hand - no skin was broken.  He was executed,
and tested negative.  The little girl, Mina Baxter, is a heroine to many of
Do not assume that because they are legal you are safe.  Your babies are not
safe from kill & test here.  Work is being done by Brevard Ferret Lover's
Club which will, we all hope, result in a change in the law, but we're not
there yet.
This kind of laissez-faire misinformation fosters a false sense of safety
that could end in tragedy.  If you are moving to Fla in the near future,
fell free to contact me by email and I will be happy to put you in touch
with ferret people where you'll be who can tell you how Animal Control works
in your area.  Assume nothing!
Ferret kisses,
Paula Bryder
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[Posted in FML issue 2001]