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Fri, 11 Jul 1997 05:20:16 -0700
Karen Daigneault <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (44 lines)
>Ferrets never cease to surprise you.  Benito, the Pickiest Eater of Them
>All, not interested in much besides Totally Ferret & raisins, definitely
>has a taste for Fat Weasel Ale.
Well, Geez, you all, I'm glad I'm not the ONLY one that has had this
*situation*....when I first noticed it with Tabitha, yes, Tabitha, the
attack fert, I decided to remain in the shadows as far as voicing my
fuzzie's obsession......;)
There are evenings, to unwind, that I sit at my computer, with a beer and
read, whatnot, my e-mail.  And Tabitha will go above and beyond what it
takes to get it.  If I move it away from the computer desk, put it waaaaay
up, then she climbs....*I* have never seen anything like it!  I've got her
on the wagon, tho....figure that the last thing I need is a drunk attack
ferret....hmmmm, altho it WOULD throw her perception off and she wouldn't
quite be able to find her victim....(my daugher.)
Thanks to all of you who wrote regarding ways to cure my squirt.  ALL the
suggestions were GREAT and will keep me busy if one doesn't work, without a
doubt!  Yesterday, when she was out, she didn't seem to be so much on the
prowl (YEAH!)...The neighborhood kids were here yesterday to *see* all my
animals and not once did she try and go after them, approach them even,
other then to peek out from under the couch to observe...Beer or not I miss
my baby climbing on my keyboard and helping me type....she's been in timeout
so much she hasn't had a chance to give her .02 on the subject matter at
Manna :MOM TABITHA'S OUT???????
Tabitha:  "hey, there's that walking play toy, ....yes!  Ooops, wanna
play, wanna play....darn, I'll leave her alone!"
Hopps: "WHERE'S BUBBA?  Hey, Man, come on!  Let's go scare Mommy by
wrestling under the bathroom rug!  SHE always thinks we're hurting each
Bubba:  "Well, it's YOUR fault, Hopps, if you'd shut up once in a while
and stop making so much noice...."
Samantha:  "I AM going to be brave today!  I AM going to play out with
the others! - nope...I'll just wait til tommorrow!"
Morrow:  "who cares about you all, I just wanna wardance, wardance,
wardance.  Dook, dook, dook!
Daisy:  "MOMMMY, MOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMYYYYYYY!  Shoulder, please? Hey,
nevermind...this looks interesting!
[Posted in FML issue 2000]