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Fri, 11 Jul 1997 13:03:00 -0500
Kevin Conklin <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (27 lines)
Hi All,
Well we just returned from the vet.  Macarena "Big Mac" is a whopping 2.75
lbs.  (all my others are under 2 lbs.) and he checked out fine, the only
problems the vet sees are ear mites which are common since they (the other
owners) have a cat and cataracts which are beginning to form on his eyes.
Other than that he's in good health.
I am so glad we rescued him, Laz passed on in June and this is kinda my
unofficial birthday present!  Now the ferret number is back up to 5!
He is sweet and gentle, I hope my others don't "ruin" his disposition!!
They are frisky and wild and he is so mellow.  He seems to be a cuddler.
Well, I'll keep you all posted on changes in his life.  I also want to thank
Irene for contacting me regarding Mac's need.  It is so important to stress
to potential ferret owners that the "rules" for owning a ferret go beyond
the cute kit stage to the long adult life.  I hope to have Mac for a long
Rascal - Hey, who's the new kid in our cage?
Tozer - Look here pal, this is my kingdom and you follow my rules!
Raspberry - Wow, neat, another playmate!!
Radar - Come Mac and I'll show you how to get into the couch!
[Posted in FML issue 2000]