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Fri, 20 Jun 1997 10:51:38 -0400
Dave Les <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (39 lines)
Dear KODO Komandos';
Even though there is much anger and hate for Michigan right now, we are
still trying to change what is happening to the wonderful ferrets.  If you
are really angry, let the people who are responsible for KODOs death know
it!  I have an address of James A Haveman,Jr.,Director.  He is Mary Grace
Stobierski superior and since M.G.Stobierski seems to be the thorn that will
not give ferrets a Fair Risk Assessment as it is written in th compendium
and is also the law, she is the person we need to get rid of!  Stobiersky
does not follow the law with regard to her policy involving only one
species, the domestic ferret.  The law requires that a Risk Assessment be
performed in any bite or scratch incident.  Please keep in mind that in both
the appellate court as well as the Supreme court rulings, there were judges
with strong dissenting opinions.  The unqualifying killing of every ferret
involved in a bite or scratch, "because the ferret lived in the state of
Michigan", is not a risk assessment, it is a risk avoidance.  M.G
Stobierskis' 'kill and test' policy has wasted tax payer money as well as
MDCH resources.  All tests performed sine the lagalization of ferrets have
resulted in NEGATIVE.  Please find the time to write this man instead of
writing the web.  The more letters or faxes he recieves the stronger our
fight.  The battle may have been lost but the war still goes on!  Thanks for
your support.  Also keep in mind the T-shirts available for donations that
will benefit the Legal Action Fund.  $35. plus $3. ship.  Daveles
@iname.com or 248-391-5142
Address for Haveman,
Department of Community Health
James A. Haveman
3423 N. Martin Luther king Jr. Blvd.
P.O. Box 30196
Lansing, Mi 48909
Please be diplomatic in you letters as we are expected to have a Bill signed
this fall by Gov.Engler, with the support of Congressman J.Dingel and
Represenative DeHart.  They are on our side!
Debbie and Dave Les
[Posted in FML issue 1979]