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Fri, 13 Jun 1997 16:43:37 +0000
North Coast Ferret Shelter <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (42 lines)
Bob and Kathy have given everything they have for Kodo and his fight for
freedom and they are broke.  They not only need help paying legal fees and
press expenses they also need help with the care and feeding of their
remaining ferrets.
I have been in contact with Performance Foods Inc., the makers of Totally
Ferret and they have agreed to set up a fund to help with feeding the
ferrets in Bob's care.  Bob estimates that he uses approxamately 60 pounds
of food per month.
Performance Foods will supply the food at their cost with funds donated to
the Kodo Relief Fund.
You can donate to the fund by calling Totally Ferret at 937-890-7784 and
placing a donation on your credit card.  Please do not call the toll free
number for this purpose as that is the manufacturing facility and they have
no means of taking credit card orders.
You can make out a check or money order payable to Performance Foods Inc.
please put Kodo Relief Fund on the message line so they know what the check
is intended for.
Checks and mony orders should be mailed to:
Performance Foods Inc
15 Green Manor Ct
Dayton, Ohio 45415
I have already made a $20 donation to this relief fund and challenge
everyone reading this to do the same.
Bev Fox aka Tunnel Runner
North Coast Ferret Shelter
Serving Northeast Ohio
Legion of Superferrets, Ohio
[Posted in FML issue 1970]