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Thu, 12 Jun 1997 18:29:14 -0500
Bob Church <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (54 lines)
Just to lighten things up a bit, I once asked people to send in ferret
nicknames. Now, I'm asking for nicknames for Ferret Owners. To start
things off, here are a few of my own...
1) Ferreteers
2) Chew Toys
3) Ferretnuts
4) Weasel Warriors
5) Mustyheads
All of you can do better than these, so send them it! I'll add them up an
updated nickname list for all to download.
Other business:
I'll be leaving for Washington DC on Sunday, and expect to be out there for
about 2-3 weeks.  It turns out the problem with my e-mail was on the server
side, and its not fixed, so I don't expect mail access to be regular.  I
still have some 300 unanswered e-mails, so it looks kinda hopeless from my
point of view.  I will get to them sometime.
I've kind of put the Ferret Digest on hold.  I got a lot of flack on this
one from some big names, so think it should be put off until we sort out the
national organization thing.  Personally, I think it would be a great part
of a national newsletter, which may have been my subconscious desire anyway.
In any case, lets spend our resources on building a truely national
organization, then make the digest (in some form or another) part of it,
rather than the other way around.
Razz had a melanoma removed from above her left eye, but it was completely
excised and we all expect a full recovery.  Sandy is still loosing hair, but
a second blood test came back normal, as well as an ultrasound.  She does
not appear to be stressed within her environment, and mange or blackheads
are not the culprit.  We will repeat the tests in a month.  Both the vet and
I think it must be adrenal, but it isn't showing up on the bloodwork.  All
the other ferrets are fat, sleek and healthly.
Elizabeth decided to major in education with the ultimate goal of teaching
primary school.  A very honorable profession, and I am quite pleased.  She
will run for MU next fall and spring.  She still wakes me up at 6am to go
running; I think I will miss that in the future, because she has just moved
out on her own (sigh).  I am giving her a ferret as a housewarming present
because she has mentioned so many times she will be missing mine and no one
should have clean corners.  I think I still will be embarrassed from time to
time, because I've also given her a new Mac 6400.  Very cool machine, and
you DOS nuts should be VERY VERY jealous.
Bob C the Ferreteer and 17 MO Mad As Hell Weasel Warriors
[Posted in FML issue 1966]