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Sat, 31 May 1997 00:53:05 -0400
Kent Goodwin <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (19 lines)
I have a 19 month female ferret named Gidget.  The other day when I was
bathing her I noticed a small patch of fur missing on her back just behind
her shoulder blades.  The area is no larger than a dime and the skin does
not appear irritated in any way.
I took her to a vet and he discounted it as fur that was rubbd off due to
crawling into small enclosures.  Gidget is always crawling into holes under
the kitchen cabinets, but I've never noticed missing fur before.
I've read a few articles on adrenal disease where at onset ferrets start
losing their fur.  I was wondering if you may know anything about the
pattern of hair loss with adrenal disease?  I have not noticed any change in
Gidgets behavior.  She plays hard and sleeps hard.  Her weight and muscle
tone appears normal; in fact, other than the small patch of missing fur she
is normal.  Does anyone have any ideas?  Perhaps the vets explanation is
true, but the vet didn't impress me as knowing a great deal about ferrets.
I would welcome your ideas, [log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 1953]