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Mon, 19 May 1997 21:21:37 -0400
Robert Jacobs <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (103 lines)
Here it is, day 17 and still no decision from the appellate court.  This
sitting, waiting and not knowing is the killer.
Dr. Ginger contacted Animal Control Friday asking to examine Kodo, her
request was flat refused today by Karen Burns so we don't have a clue as to
living conditions, food, water or anything else.  He was a loving fert and
he's sorely missed.  I hope this mess doesn't turn him mean as I know it
would me.
I spoke with Totally Ferret today and they are sending a sizeable donation
to help with the printing of the t-shirts and 40 lbs of food.  Both of these
donations are sincerely appreciated\needed here.  All of our ferrets are
eating Totally Ferret as are the shelter ferts.  I am comfortable with it
and they love it.  We've seen some remarkable changes in our rescued ferrets
using this food so we're very happy they decided to help us as we help them.
Debbi Les has just E-mailed me a preview copy of a wonderful original
drawing she's done to help Kodo also.  Thank you Deb, we love it.  I'd love
to share it with all of you but it is an original artwork and until I have a
chance to talk to Deb about it's status and rights and all that I have to
sit on it.  She has so generously provided it I don't want to step on her
toes in any way.  I'd like to add that the Les' have offered support in many
ways, even to the point of driving here just to talk.  It's much
All the donations, e-mails of support are appreciated.  I haven't a clue as
to how to thank you all!!!  The following letters were sent to our
"government" today, I'll leave the sender's name out but thought you all
might enjoy these:
Governor John Engler
Fact: The ferret did not open his mouth and bite the elderly gentleman.  he
was simply lying across his owner's hand, tolerating all the attention when
he got smacked in the mouth.
Fact: After two weeks the elderly gentleman has not taken the rabies
prophylaxis and has no intention of doing so and has released the state of
any liability.
Fact: As usual the State Health Department has no concept of "risk
Fact: This ferret is a beloved pet being kept away from its owner.
Fact: there are a lot of ferret owners in Michigan and if someone doesn't get
off thier thumbs, kiss their votes good-bye!.
Governor John Engler:
Dear Governor Engler:
I look forward to the day when ferret owners will not be subject to the
Gestapo tactics of their local governments.
Attorney General Frank kelly
Dear General Kelly:
Ferrets must have some merit with Animal Control to have been invited to an
Education Day.  Who got the education?
Everyone involved in this fiasco knows if a proper risk assessment is done
the result would be risk-zero.  Otherwise you wouldn't be dragging your feet
and looking for far fetched excuses to kill.
Attorney General Frank Kelly
Dear General Kelly:
Where was the risk assessment in the affidavit sent by Dr. William N.  Hall
to you?  The complete lack of common sense never ceases to amaze me.  I'm
sure Robert Jacobs and Kathy Zimmer would have noticed a bat flying around
in their house.  The only bats I suspect in all this are the Dingbats
wasting Michigan taxpayer's money.
I don't know if anyone in Lansing read these, but they hit the point and I
simply had to share!!!
Thanks to all once again.  Help keep the pressure on in the press and the
legislatures.  Help with your donations, order your bumper stickers,
t-shirts or buttons to help Kodo.  And keep praying for our baby.  he's
sorely missed!!
Robert Jacobs
[Posted in FML issue 1940]