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Fri, 11 Apr 1997 02:22:30 -0600
Scott Springer <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (31 lines)
This is my first time posting to the FML, but I've been subscribing for a
few months now.  I'd like to thank everyone that posts suggestions, hints,
and questions, because they've really helped my girlfriend and I with our
ferrets (we started out with two, but at the petstore we saw one who was
just so darn adorable and affectionate that we bought her.  She had her
checkup today and she's in great health :))
My question right now is: What's a good treat for my 3 pals?  I tried
raisins, but they all turned their noses up at them.  I bought the Marshall
Farms Bandit treats, and only Scully (one of our original two, along with
Mulder) will eat them.  In Mary Shefferman's "The Ferret" (part of a series
called "An Owners Guide to a Happy Healthy Pet") she says some ferrets like
peanut butter.  Again, all 3 of mine won't so much as lick it (they barely
even sniff it).  I bought some ferretone the other day, and... you guessed
it... they don't even care.
Does anyone have any other suggestions?  I know a few ferret owners who say
their little fuzzies love Twizzlers (especially strawberry ones), but I
don't think those are too good for them.
Ah well... at least they eat their food :)
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Mulder (don't bother me... I'm sleeping... oh.. it's time to run around
like a maniac?  That's different!)
Scully (Mulder, get your fat butt off my head!)
and Mischieva (ooh, i'm just soooo cute.. look how tiny i am... play
with me play with me play with me... can i crawl up on your head now?)
[Posted in FML issue 1899]