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Tue, 20 May 1997 00:00:57 -0400
"Michael Schieman, Mee Maw and ferrets" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (69 lines)
Dear Tater,
We finally got your papers from your first Mommy.  It seems that you were
whelped on or about May 20, 1995.  Guess what, Little Dude?  It's your
second birthday today!
Even though we're up to our necks with agliators and work orders - not much
time for the really important pooter stuff - we just couldn't let this day
go by without saying Happy Birthday.
Now, you probably won't think that today is anything special or worth
getting all worked up about - since everyday is something special to guys
like you.  Us humans just aren't as close to the Spirit Who made us all as
you and your fellow critters are.  We get excited about special days, always
wishing that we could learn and follow the lessons that you teach us.  Like,
that just waking up in the morning is a major cause for celebration - and a
damned good reason to have a good time.  We're just too busy with things
that really don't amount to anything.  We have a long way to go.
For some strange reason, us humans would rather busy ourselves with climbing
to the top of the dung heap that we built out of our stupidity and greed -
no matter whom we step on or hurt in the process - just so we can loudly
proclaim that it smells better up there!  It's very sad, but that's just the
way that humans are.  It's funny - and tragic - how we make up excuses for
ourselves when we hurt each other.  What it usually boils down to is, "Hey,
Iv'e got my piece of this pile of doodoo and, even though you helped me to
get it, I won't share it with you - it's Mine!  So much for the theory that
humans are the highest form of life on earth!.
Maybe we'll learn the true meaning of life from ferrets another
critter-folks someday.
Whoops! Paw Paw done overdosed on that box of Tide that Mee Maw fed him for
dinner. Back to Taters birthday letter...
Aside from the toys and treats that you'll get today, we want to say, "Thank
you," for some of the many good things you have given to us, just by being
yourself and by being here with us.
First, we thank you for the gift of joy, and its cousin, laughter.  Your
antics and constant good spirits have shown us that we have a choice when it
comes to the choosing.  Youv'e taught us that, no matter how much pain or
sorrow we might be feeling, we can choose to feel joy instead.
We thank you for teaching us that it's OK to be fools - to risk being seen
as total idiots - if it brings a smile to someone who needs one.  Sometimes
a clown can touch folks when others cannot.  Sometimes a fool can bring more
than laughter to a needful heart.
Thanks, Tater, for infecting us with so much ferret-joy that we couldn't
help but get you a buddy to play with when we couldn't be around.  You and
Odie are better than any medicine that a doctor could prescribe.
Thanks also for the many good and dear friends that we have found because of
you and your Bubba.  Sometimes we think that you might have created a
monster with that because we just can't keep up with all the folks that
write to us about you and Odie - and the stories that you guys and us write
about our adventures.  We try to keep up, but we always fail.  Perhaps we
should give ya'll your very own pooter as a birthday present?
Most of all, Birthday Guy, we'd just like to thank you for being you.  On
the 31st of this month we'll celebrate 34 years of being married together.
Believe us when we say that the last two have been the most fun all.
Thanks, Tater, for the joy and love. Happy Birthday!!
Paw Paw and Mee Maw
[Posted in FML issue 1941]