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[log in to unmask][log in to unmask] 9702 5995 33 37_More about "run of the house" [log in to unmask], 5 Feb 1997 17:15:11 +0100532_- I actually ma;living the life of Cleopatra: carried
everywhere, special foods, several changes of bedding (and paper) each day,
perfume, slaves...".

Steve and I used to have to put the level of care into Ruffle that 2 to 4
(depending on where her health and learning were at any time) normally take.
After Meltdown does pass on we would like to think in terms of adding kits
but having at least one have serious handicaps (behavioral and/or
non-terminal health ones), so [...]45_13Dec199616:57:[log in to unmask] 9612 13615 35 35_Tequila is over the Rainbow Bridge.17_Holly S. [log in to unmask], 13 Dec 1996 15:36:34 -0900435_- I've got some sad news. My little girl, Tequila, was put to sleep this
afternoon. I checked on her last night before going to bed, like I do every
night, and her tummy had swelled up at least twice it's normal size. I
wasn't too sure she would make it through the night, so we brought her into
bed with us and cuddled with her and let her know she was loved for awhile
before putting her in bed with her buddies. [...]42_13Dec199615:36:[log in to unmask] 9612 13651 32 41_thieves; climbing; FERRETS IN THE PANTS??14_Tanya M [log in to unmask], 13 Dec 1996 10:52:31 -0600549_- Someone (forgot who) asked if there was any way to get ferrets to share.
HA! Ours don't even share the stuff they stole from us. And Boomer will
cuss you out, grunting, hissing, and then chomp on your toe if you take
something that he requisitioned. He has decided that he needs Dean's
hairbrush more than Dean does, so now when Dean gets out of the shower, he
just goes under the couch for his brush. Same thing with my calculator - if
Boomer sees my backpack on the floor, he won't rest until he gets it open
and drags [...]46_13Dec199610:52:[log in to unmask] 9612 13684 46 39_helping out, bathing, see ya next year!14_Lockemer, [log in to unmask], 13 Dec 1996 14:22:19 -0500555_- >From: Ed Holtz <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: A huge thank you

It is very gratifying to be able to use the knowledge I have gained from the
FML, personal experience, and various reading to help someone else
especially concerning something I enjoy so much. I'm sure many, many of you
on the FML can relate as I have observed so many stories of you helping each
other out. Ed deserves a lot of credit for being patient and hanging in
there. We all know how frustrating the little buggers can get at times. [...]42_13Dec199614:22:[log in to unmask] 9612 13731 29 16_Food digging ...8_Ela [log in to unmask], 13 Dec 1996 20:58:02 -0500457_- Melissa,

I just read your note about food digging! Scooter does this, too! The best
solution I have found so far is a SMALL (three by six inches or so)
Tupperware/Rubbermaid container with a hole (maybe one and a half by one and
a half inches) cut in the middle of the lid. You can poke holes in the back
and fasten it to the side of the cage, if you want. Corrine Rooney on the
FML gave me this idea, and it works fairly well. [...]38_13Dec199620:58:[log in to unmask] 9612 13761 24 16_Ferret Food Bowl14_Regina J. [log in to unmask], 13 Dec 1996 21:40:54 -0500585_- FERRET FOOD DIGGING PREVENTION
Ah ha! I finally solved this problem myself. My boys would make a splendid
mess of their food, spreading it all about the cage, both inside and out.
Until... Stop in your local (pre
Fri, 13 Dec 1996 14:50:12 -0500
text/plain (37 lines)
Jerry, one of our two original ferrets, just turned 7 on or about December
1st.  She recovered well from adrenal/insulinoma surgery which was performed
on October 18.  Unfortunately, her kidney failure is progressing.  Her BUN
is now in the 160's.  We are syringe-feeding Jerry 4 times a day with Fran
Wiles' recipe.  Jerry has a lot of nausea, but she is still holding down all
her food and is still gaining weight (she had lost several ounces before we
started syringe-feeding her around the end of September).  We even have to
give Jerry water by hand.  She prefers Deer Park water from a spoon or
bottlecap.  She especially likes licking the water from the mouth of the
bottle while the water is flowing out.  We don't mind giving Jerry exactly
what she wants because we know our time with her is growing short.  Jerry is
on Amoxicillin, Carafate, Tums, and Pet Tinic.  Bill gives her subcutaneous
fluid injections.  He is going to increase the frequency to once every four
If anyone knows anything else we should be doing for Jerry, please let us
know.  We have already lowered the protein content of her food, and we're
going to use the recommended protein amount for cats with kidney failure
(published in the Merck Veterinary Manual) to see if we should reduce it
further.  The veterinarians who have seen her have different opinions on the
frequency of injections and the need for Amphogel, so any FML veterinarians'
input on those topics would be appreciated.
Jerry can still climb a flight of steps at a pretty good pace, and she still
picks up her plastic lids (sort of like ferret frisbees) and puts them where
she thinks they belong.  On some days she still eats raisins, but on other
days she just takes them and puts them down.
Clare and Bill
Lupi (Perpetually Hungry Dog)
Ben (Queen Ferret)
Jerry (Frisbee Ferret)
Buttercup (Litterbox Excavating Ferret)
Bridgett (Perpetually Hungry Ferret)
Jasmine (Demolition Expert Ferret)
[Posted in FML issue 1783]