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Tue, 12 Aug 1997 00:45:01 UT
Linda Soule <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (40 lines)
I want to express my sincere appreciation to everyone that wrote with
helpful hints on what to do for Smokey.  The vet called today and said all
of his test came out clean, so he is not contagious to the other.  That
makes me feel better in some respects.  One thing, I find odd, he has never
run a fever with this.  When they have ECE do they normally run fevers?
He is eating a little on his own, and did eat about 6-8 Science Diet chunks.
Not much, but it is a start.  I still have to force water down him, but I am
wearing less of it each time.  He acted like he needed to go to the
bathroom, but couldn't.  Yesterday is was runny, and today he couldn't go.
He finally did and it was very firm, but still very grainy, but not much
odor this time.  Maybe, things are headed in the right direction.  I will
still get up with him a couple time a night and make sure he eats before
bed.  I have to take him to work with me tomorrow, since my husband is out
of town for 2 days.  I work for a very large corporation and being in CA, it
makes it even harder to get away with it.  He is very quiet and I won't tell
anyone he is there.
I am learning so much from the FML and web sites that I feel that I am
getting to be an old pro at this stuff.  There is a wealth of information
out there, and I am sharing it with my vet.  She is wonderful and doesn't
have time to surf, so I told her I would bring in the information that I
feel she might find helpful (she has about 50 ferrets that she see where I
live) and I know some of this inforrmation will help her help someone's
Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart.  Oh, one more thing...To all
of you Fuzzy Daddy's.  You are wonderful.  I couldn't have gotten through
Missy's surgery, and now Smokey's bout without the loving support, of my
husband.  He would lay on the bed and hold the baby, while in his sleep, so
I could force feed them.  It is hard since we were getting up every 30-45
minutes 3-4 days in a row.  At least now, he is able to sleep 2-3 hours
without me waking him up to help me get the food down Smokey.  You are
pretty special guys!!!!  Smokey's says so too!
Thanks again,
Linda, Tami, Flagstone, Hardaway, Rascal, Joey, Missy, and most important
now, Smokey!
[Posted in FML issue 2031]