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Sat, 14 Jun 1997 09:18:29 -0400
"Irene E. Wilson" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (34 lines)
Bob Jacobs & Family,
My tears of grief have yet to be shed for Kodo because I continue to be
numbed by the injustice he, you, and -- to a lesser extent -- the rest of
his supporters suffered.  Having said that, this note is not about grief and
despair.  It is about joy and hope.
Yesterday, while watching my recovering from E.C.E. kids dooking and dancing
about with gleeful abandon in the living room, I recalled your words about
Kodo.  You described how Kodo was always the first out of the cage to kiss
you and dance each the morning.  Your words of tribute and my ferrets
reminded me of what the struggle we have faced is really about.  At that
point, I could sense my eyes mist from joy, not pain!  So, in celebration of
Kodo's LIFE, I joined my ferrets in their dance of joy.
Doing so in no way minimized my outrage over the great injustice suffered by
Kodo and all who loved him.  Indeed, it strengthened my resolve to see the
day when ferrets and their guardians will know the joy of freedom from fear.
Perhaps, by following the recommendations of Bob C.  we will soon see that
day dawn.
As Bob C. pointed out, there are giants among us who can teach us.  We must
heed their words so we avoid wasting precious time trying to reinvent the
proverbial wheel.  Let's build on their foundational work.  IMHO, let's
learn from them and use the FML to orchestrate our actions.  That way we can
all participate in an organized fashion on the regional, state, and
national/international level.
One of Kodos Kommandos,
New York
"We must understand that a cord of three strands cannot be easily broken." -
from "The Light We Must Bear" by Michael Card
[Posted in FML issue 1971]