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Thu, 12 Jun 1997 21:37:37 -0500
Michael Bostrom <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (56 lines)
Hello all,
Okay folks, I'm not making a cornball post like usual, this time I'm being
serious (and a hush fell over the crowd).  This is about Kodo.  This is
about my ferrets.  This is about all of your ferrets.
In talking to my local health officials and non-ferret people, I've realized
what the root cause of the problems we face are.  It's not how many rabies
studies have been done or whether or not they live in the wild.  It's the
public image of the ferret itself.  You all know the first questions a
non-ferret person asks when he finds out you have ferrets.  "Don't they
bite?" "Don't they stink?" "Aren't they wild?" This kind of thinking is what
has led to the tragedy of Kodo and the tragedy of hundreds of other people's
beloved pets.
What we have is discrimination based on ignorance, pure and simple.  I feel
a good comparison would be the events that led to the American Civil Rights
movement.  That came about because of discrimination based on ignorance.  In
order to end this, people stood up for their rights and for what they
believed was right.  That is exactly what we need to do.  We need to let
people know that our ferrets deserve to ride in the front of the bus with
the cats and dogs.
I agree 100% with Bob Church.  We need a national organization to accomplish
this task.  I would even take it a step further and call for a worldwide
organization.  Well, you know what folks?  We already have the beginnings of
just such an thing.  Look at how many of us have come together for the sake
of one little ferret.  It would not take much to permanently cement the bond
we all feel.  Then it would be just a matter of giving it a name and making
it official.  If it were remotely possible, I would take on the
responsibility myself to get this rolling.  Unfortunately, I am jjust one
person and lack the resources, time, and money.  But with all of us
together, we would have the power to accomplish greatness.
In the meantime, each of you individually need to do everything in your
power to set these wrongs right.  We need to get ferrets out in the public.
Now is not the time to hide your ferrets in your house for fear of what
might happen.  That would signify that ignorance has won.  Take your ferrets
with you wherever you go.  If you are in a ferret club or run a shelter,
organize ferret awareness events.  If you are not in a club or shelter,
start one.  There is a risk involved with this.  But with proper handling
and care, this can be minimized.  If you have a web page, put ferrets on it.
Talk to as many public officials and media people as you can.  If you have
anyway at all of getting the truth to the public in a dignified manner(no
bombing of animal control please), then do it.  The most important thing is
not to let all the effort behind Kodo go to waste.  That would be a crime.
We have made I huge wave with this whole Kodo thing, and I say we grab our
boards and ride this all the way to the shore.
Thank you,
Mikey B. & the Weezils of Doom
"We may be human, but we're still animals"  -Steve Vai
[Posted in FML issue 1966]