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Thu, 29 May 1997 06:16:09 -0700
Karen Daigneault <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (35 lines)
Hello all,
Need everyone's advice about bringing a new ferret into a home with a ferret
already in the home!
Tommorrow I'm going to pick up a new fuzzie and companion for Morrow.  I
need some info on what to do in respect to starting out, should I separate
them at first?  Background info on the little guy is that he was a stray, -
a woman found him and began taking care of him.  She didn't really want him
so she asked her vet's receptionist (who has three fuzzies) if she could
take him.  Well, she was going to take him, but because they have three
already her husband didn't want anymore.
The woman I am picking him up from is going to have the vet "look him over"
to make sure he is "ok".  As a matter of fact, I'm picking him up from the
vet's office....Apparently he hasn't had any vaccinations since being with
"the other" woman, - which I will take care of....BUT I noticed on the FML
today about someone adding a fert to their home and are "separating him
temporarily" due to unknown exposure to ECE....One of many questions: How
long a separation?  Do ferrets ever FIGHT?  Morrow is a girl, and the
newcomer is a boy, so.......
HELP!  I need all the info I can get on an adopted ferret coming in to help
me in respect to Morrow and also my dogs?  My dogs have ALL been around my
ferrets and grew up with them, so no problem with the dog's end.  But, that
does not necessarily mean that the fert coming in has been around dogs!
Please e-mail me direct - this was kind of a "last minute" thing
persay....called yesterday and picking him up tommorrow!
[Posted in FML issue 1951]