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Sun, 27 Apr 1997 11:50:31 -0700
Patricia Curtis <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (27 lines)
The Fuzzy Transport Network (or whatever you guys are calling it) sounds
like a good idea, and has actually been a dream of mine own.  However there
are quite a few things that must be examined closely.  I certainly hope this
thing WILL work, and I am not trying to be a "wet blanket" here, but I just
had to toss in my .02 worth.
Have you considered how you will transport fuzzies with this "network" thing
and keep from spreading ECE or transmitting ECE to older ferrets you carry,
or keep from taking it to non-ECE homes/shelters???  Many areas are still
ECE free.  This will require alot of special considerations and special
handling and sterilizing of carriers, vehicles, 'yourselves', litterboxes,
bowls, bottles, etc.  Would strongly suggest that you NOT carry ECE and
non-ECE ferrets at the same time, and of course, sterilize all after each
transport.  Also consider, just because I have been exposed to ECE and so
has Troy Lynn, I wouldn't dream of exchanging ferrets or coming in contact
with each others ferrets due to the fact that we have very different strains
of the virus (remember viruses mutate), hers is far more dangerous than mine
seems to be, and who knows what other shelters are experiencing too.  It's
is sure alot to think about.  Just thought you'd like to know these things.
Troy Lynn, any comments?  Any others out there with lots of ECE experience
who'd like to comment?
Director, Ferrets First Rescue & Shelter
[Posted in FML issue 1916]