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Fri, 11 Apr 1997 01:34:03 -0500
Bob Church <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (31 lines)
Well dad done and got into some kind of trouble at school, so has locked
himself in a hotel room and won't come out until his has finished the last
chapters of his dissertation.  His committe is really hard on him, and dad
said that archaeologists might recognize R. Lee Lyman, Michael O'Brien,
Raymond Wood, Sam Stout, and someone from the Smithsonian.  He says they are
the committee from hell, but maybe he might possibly get a job if he
survives.  They have been picking on him for the last week or so, and want
the chapters before the guy whos name I forgot has to go back to Washington.
All I know is a couple of days ago I heard dad mutter something about how
species aren't real and evolution was stupid and how pots don't breed.  I
have no idea of what he is talking about, but the ferrets don't care.  They
still follow him all over the house.
Dad says he will be out of touch and not even having email until Monday at
least, so he's sorry if there are any emergencies and he's late answering
them.  He did ask me to post something tomorrow for him.  He says he has to
spread them out so people don't fall asleep on their keyboards and run the
risk of being electrocuted and could get sued and lose his underware.  If he
is so smart, then why is he so dumb?  I told him no one reads them anyway. :)
Oh yeah, dad asked me to send a message to someone named Rudy Bob (I hope I
spelled it right.  When dad is tired, he startes to sound like a dyslexic
wino.  He said that, not me!).  Dad said, "Great Post Rudy Bob!  Funny!" I
hope you know what that means, because I think he's nuts.  I haven't seen
anyone named Rudy Bob in the FML.
Gotta go, but I will tell some more on dad later. I promise.
Elizabeth (Daughter of Bob) and heiress to a mess of ferrets.
[Posted in FML issue 1899]