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Fri, 7 Mar 1997 02:07:18 EST
Sandy G McKeever <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (79 lines)
Hi, everyone, it's me again.
I'm sorry to say I feel this must be said before the flames erupt..
OK, let me back up and explain why I'm writing this.  First, I posted a
quary on the FML (March 4 issue) about an article I read in Ferret USA and
raisins.  While reading today's post, I found Bill & Diane Killian's posted
an answer.  Now don't get me wrong, I wanted input, that's why I posted, but
the Killian's reply was what I would say, critical.  I have read a lot of
their replies to quaries of others and it seems that they are that way with
everyone.  What upsets me is, that I feel they either did not fully read my
post or they misunderstood what I said and now I fear that flames may flare
by others who did not read my first post.
In the beginning of their message they insinuate that I stated the article
mentioned a paticular brand of ferret food by name.  I did not, I REPEAT, I
DID NOT SAY THAT!!!!!  The article DID NOT mention any brand of ferret food
by name, however, it did tell what percentages of protein and fat to look
for to maintain the proper pH balance for ferrets.  Instead, in my posting,
I made the statement I personally use 8 in1 Ultra-blend and that it is made
with raisin juice and wondered if my Fizzgig and Benny might not be
digesting their food properly.  I am not uneducated and, YES, I know there
is a difference between the juice and the fruit itself, however, juices can
and do sometimes have the same properties as the fruit or vegetable they are
from.  IE, why do you think we humans have the same reaction rather we eat
prunes or we drink a glass of prune juice?
The Killians reply for almost the first 2/3's of a page, (Yes, I printed it
out and it's a page and a quarter long) did nothing but criticize magazine
publications and Ferret USA as being FANCY and full of puff articles.  Here
I want to go on public record as saying, "this is the Killians personal view
and NOT MINE!  And I want to apologize to any who may read the FML that may
be connected with Ferret USA, their publisher and those who have written
articles for them.  I personally find the articles well written and
informative and the pictures are artfully done and adorable.
They said of Dr. Sadler, quote, "This guy wants to sell his brand of food"
OF FERRET FOOD IN HIS ARTICLE!  They also said, quote "Dr. Sadler is
probably a very good man and we have no evidence to the contary" unquote.
The Killians admitted they have not even read the article, still they
reproached his creditability in view of the fact he is Director of Mazuri
diets and wrote the article with bias!  And though Dr. Sadler may be
employed by a animal diet company, I feel that he must have been and more
than likely is involved with ferret nutrition research.  The Killian's
questioned this and even questioned if this man even owned a ferret.  Rather
he is owned by a ferret or not, the fact remains that this man is a Ph.D.  I
have perused the Killian's home page on the net and have not seen anything
about their educational degrees in animal nutritional research.  The fact
that Dr. Sadler not only holds the position of Director of Zooloical Mazuri
diets, but he directs research efforts at Purina Mills tells me he is
somewhat involved in RESEARCH and holding these positions also tells me that
his Ph.D. must have somthing to do with animal nutrition.  I am quite sure
that Purina Mills would not employ someone in that post with a degree in
engineering or language arts!
One more thing, NO!  I do not *know* for absolute fact, 100% positive proof,
or unequivocally that chocolate is toxic to ferrets and that any ferret has
ever died because of it.  What I do know his hearsay at best, but the way I
understand the hearsay is, that ferrets cannot digest chocolate and it CAN
lay in their digesive system and CAN BECOME TOXIC!  To be honest, I don't
want to take the chance nor do I wish to be the one to have the honor of the
first post on the FML to prove that chocolate can kill ferrets, because one
of my fuzziebutts had died because of eating it.
Lastly, I am a computer tech and tend to analyze as a computer would.  I get
every bit and bite of informational input, then process, crunch, and
database it onto the great hardrive the Good Lord put in everyone's head and
make my own conclusions as to my personal use of the data.
Again, the post I made was to get advice and input about feeding raisins to
ferrets and if I should be concerned that the food I USE may not be fully
digestable!  Not open a debate on the creditability of a Ph.D. and his
reasoning for submitting an article or whether magazines publish articles
for the sake of advertizing.
[Posted in FML issue 1865]