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Andre Desautels <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 4 Apr 1997 10:38:27 -0500
text/plain (25 lines)
Hi, my name is Andre.  I just subscribed to the FML a week ago.  I've
already asked the following questions to a few people with ferret web sites,
but I keep getting different responses.  So I guess I'm now just looking for
more different answers. ;-)
I've owned a female ferret for almost a year.  I got Kayla when she was 6
weeks old.  I have had no luck litter training her.  When I introduced the
litter boxes (designed for ferrets), she first started to dig the
(odor-free) litter out of them.  I did put a few "pieces" in the litter to
let her know what the litter box was for.  Kayla would then move the boxes
away from the corners when she had to go.  I then attached the litter boxes
to the corners, but she would go on the side of them.  Any suggestions?
I also have a question about loneliness.  I let Kayla loose/play with her for
about two hours a day.  But she is otherwise alone for the rest of the day
because I am out or at work.  Am I spending enough time with her?  Do ferrets
experience emotions of loneliness?  I can handle the responsibility of one
ferret, but I don't know how much work an additional companion would be.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Andre & Kayla
[Posted in FML issue 1893]