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Tue, 1 Jul 1997 17:26:13 -0500
Margaret Merchant <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (79 lines)
I decided to wait awhile before removing my fireproof suit.
This is something that has been on my mind for quite some time.  I have been
upset by it, subject to it, and I am quite tired of it.
This forum is getting way to personal and mean.  It was, at one time, a
place were anyone could post their views without getting personally attacked
in private and in the forum.
I have had people send others things about my life, how I have been treated
by others on the list, and all kinds of other stuff.  It is nobody's
business.  NONE.  No one has the right to talk about anything they don't
have first hand knowledge of to anyone else.  ferrret stuff or life stuff
involving ferret people.
If you have been upset by anything personally on this list, write that
person, not the list.  If you want to correct what you think are wrong
opinions or wrong info publically, do it without yelling, without name
calling and without insinuating people are in league with the devil, have
underlying motives or anything else.  Don't assume what you don't read.
This forum makes us feel like we know each other.  But we don't.  We get a
glimpse, but that is all.  Take the posts at face value, don't read into
them what isn't there.  Don't assume things because of what you have heard
about someone or why they might be saying it.
This list is no one's personal territory.  It belongs to the ferret
community, not even to just those who post regularly.  The groups involved
should be more concerned with getting things done for ferrets rather than
WHO does it!  I have just as much right, no more no less, as anyone else who
subscribes to this list to post to it, to involve myself with ferret affairs
or do whatever I can to help the cause of ferrets.  No one can tell me not
to do something.  They can refuse to help me, make issues personal that
aren't and in general, hurt their own efforts by this territorial attitude.
Get over it!!  Help each other out, don't condemn just because someone
doesn't hold the exact same opinion as you do.  Because there is something
you don't like about them does not mean they don't have something valuble to
I know a dozen people or more who refuse to post to this list do to the
antagonistic nature of it right now.  And that is a shame.  These people
have much knowledge to share that isn't being shared because of prevailing
And if you think the people we are trying to reach don't read this list
think again.  We already know California Fish and Game is online.  How does
it seem to our opponents when we endlessly attack them, in a mean spirited
way?  Name calling gets no one anywhere.
We are giving OURSELVES bad names, no one could do a better job than we are
doing if they tried.  Would any of you treat any one up close and personal
the way you do on this list or in email?  I hope not and I don't think so.
It is too easy to get carried away here.  Act like adults and be responsible
for your actions.
Maggie, the bull puffing in the corner
[Moderator's note: People posting opinions to the FML will usually get lots
of opinons back -- some in agreement, others not.  That's one thing nice
about the FML -- the *exchange* of information.  It saddens me that people
don't post because they fear responses since, in my opinion, the best way
to learn is to look forward to responses!  Nothing will be learned if people
aren't willing to *exchange* ideas!
Sure, maybe you'll get some nasty email in return.  Most of it will NOT be
nasty.  Maybe some people have trouble expressing themselves, maybe the
medium just makes it a little difficult to commnicate, but I do know one
FACT: overall the FML subscribers are a terrific bunch of people.  We've
seen time and time again how people support each other and share their love,
tears, smiles and information.
And, of course, if something is bad enough to offend even me, it won't make
it onto the FML.  Like I've said many times before, my definition of a
"flame" may not match yours, but I will (and occasionally do) reject posts
if I feel they are not appropriate.  The general rule is: "attack the facts
with facts of your own, don't attack the person stating them."   BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 1990]