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Mon, 23 Jun 1997 12:38:15 -0400
alphachi <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (71 lines)
>We have no interest in playing these games of yours.  We did not write as a
>defender of MF nor an agent of MF.  We wrote more from our dealings with
>petstores in this particular case.  If we ask the folks in the store where
>the ferrets came from they almost never know.  Large or small chains.  You
>choose to attack me with arguments supporting our statements in this case.
>A large chain that gets many ferrets at the same time would be hard pressed
>to identify each individual ferret so that that ferrets lineage could be
>traced.  Thank you for assisting us in making that point.
Dear Bill,
Apparently, there is being more read into my last post than is there.  A lot
more.  MY points were: Point one: Contrary to your statement, the origins of
MF ferrets are known by at least some venders, such as PET SUPERMARKET.  And
they are.  It ain't rocket science.
You stated:
>A large chain that gets many ferrets at the same time would be hard pressed
>to identify each individual ferret so that that ferrets lineage could be
>traced.  Thank you for assisting us in making that point.
MMmm, I said just the opposite.  Real simple: PET SUPERMARKET knows.  Not
even a soft press :-) It's just that whenever there are charges of poorly MF
ferrets, someone trots out the "Mystery Bogus MF Impostor".  Or some grand
plan to link a conspiracy against MF by sneaking around planting fake MF
ferrets across the country.  (I can just imagine little criminal ferret
types scurrying across pet store boxes kidnapping the real ones from their
cages in the middle of the night, occasionally sneaking in a toy stuffed one
to really confuse...hey, all MF ferrets have little pull strings coming out
of their back!).  The truth is there are only five REAL MF ferrets and they
are all over twenty years old and jog--you betcha, little Nike's and
all--six miles a day!
Point two: You are not a spokesperson for MF.  And you're not.  No offense
intended.  I thought I made this clear also.  So let me sidestep any
combative tone and address the real issues which is not you.  You certainly
cannot deny habitually defending MF, no more than I can deny continually
prodding MF for accountability.  Anyone can look up past posts.
Point Three: Reasonable questions should be responded to by MF in a
responsible, accountable, and a verifiable manner.
These are the valid, unemotional, and very reasonable questions MF has
repeatedly failed to address.  Or as Margaret puts it, the bottom line.
1.  Why does MF continue to spay and neuter ferrets LONG before medical
recommendations: This one is inescapable because the evidence is in your
local pet store.  Why does MF refuse to alter their schedule for ferret
health.  Illegal, no..unethical, maybe...unnecessary, yes.  A few more weeks
may hurt profit margins, but benefit many ferrets and their owners.
2.  How many breeder ferrets does MF put to death each year as policy and at
what age?  As stated earlier, this could represent the single largest cause
of lost years of life for the domestic ferret.  Kodo was just one poor
ferret that was "euthanized" long before his time.  Should we ignore
thousands just because they have no name?  It's just sheer numbers, not
emotion.  Should we support this continued practice?  Additionally, what
procedure is used??  I agree we need to get to the bottom of this.  One way
or another.
3.  Under what conditions are the surgical procedures done, and by whom?
This is a tough one because there appears to be some conflicting evidence
here.  Again, we need to get to the bottom of this.  We, as a group, could
easily effect some changes here.  MF, like any outfit, needs to be held
accountable, period.  No emotionality, no "evil forces", no word games, not
even a cross word ;-)just Standard Operating Procedure.
best wishes,
until next time,
[Posted in FML issue 1982]