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Wed, 11 Jun 1997 13:07:33 -0400
Sheba Williamson <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (95 lines)
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I feel the need to address the masses.  I kind of gather from my past posts
to FML and my chats on FCS, that many, may think I'm anti-government.  For
the record - I am NOT, I am PRO AMERICAN, PRO FERRET and anti- COMMUNISM,
We the PEOPLE of the United States are our GOVERNMENT and somewhere in all
the cr*p our leaders have fed us - we have forgotten that. :'-(  We have
only elected a few BAD apples (with the worm }:> ) who is BS'in us into
thinking they represent the masses.  They are only holders of offices with
DEEP pockets and we as citizens of these United States, the very body of
GOVERNMENT, need to wake up and realize what freedoms we have LOST - FACE
Every time I see an injustice done to us by the very people, who have sworn
to uphold the CONSTITUTION of the United States and fail to do so, for their
own agendas; whatever they may be - sex, drugs, money, overseas covert
actions ( under the guise of benefiting us the government), etc.  (You get
As most of you know, I am a military wife (what ever that means these days).
I disagree with alot of what our representatives represent (which is clearly
not us -THE GOVERNMENT).  What you read next is what I hold dear in my
heart, soul and mind.  It sickens me, that the very people who defend this
country, can not speak out on the bad and wrong things that are happening
within our system.  The people, who do speak out are the retired military,
the little man or woman (like me and Robert Jacobs), and the few who
representus, who do it for the same reason we were all led to believe
growing up - LOVE and RESPECT YOUR COUNTRY and its people.  But when we do
speak out , we are labeled as mental cases, insubordinate employees,
anti-government, trouble makers or the big, bad, bully militia.  (I know, up
close and personal, now with regret Bob, Kitty and children are feeling the
power that has been taken away from the rightful owners-WE THE PEOPLE !)
Well folks the true militia believes in the same freedoms and rights as the
rest of us.  There just happen to be a few who make the whole look bad.
Here is something that makes me cry and breaks my heart every time I read it
or see the Wall, the Beriut Memorial, the Arlington Cemetary, the battleship
Arizona Memorial, Kent State massacre, the Flag, any memorial built for our
dead brothers, sisters, moms, dads, any kin or friend ?  It tears your heart
out, it is so overwhelming.
                     FREEDOM IS NOT FREE
I watched the flag pass by one day; it fluttered in the breeze.
A young Marine saluted it and then he stood at ease.
I looked at him in uniform so young, so tall, so proud;
With hair cut square and eyes alert, he'd stand out in any crowd.
I thought of how many men like him had fallen through the years.
How many died on foriegn soil ? How many mothers' tears ?
How many pilot's planes shot down ? How many died at sea ?
How many foxholes are soldiers graves ?
No, Freedom is not Free.
I Heard the sound of "Taps" one night, when everything was still.
I listened to the buglar play, and felt a sudden chill.
I wondered how many times that taps had meant "AMEN"
When a flag had covered a coffin, of a brother or a friend.
I thought of all the children, of the mothers and the wives,
Of fathers, sons, and husbands with interrupted lives.
I thought about the graveyards at the bottom of the sea.
Of unmarked graves in Arlington,
                       -----Cadet Maj. Kelly Strong
These are my OPINIONS, not my husbands as the military has releived him of
his rights and opinions.  But by God as long as I draw breath no-one shall
take mine!  No system in the guise as our government gave it to me - by the
choice of God and the LOVE of my Mother, I am here to HAVE IT !  And may God
have mercy on Tim McVeigh, spare his life, but let him remain in prison for
the rest of his life.  Our leaders (not government) caused this, but he
chose to take lives, he could have waited until the building was empty to
make the same point.  The only COMMIES in these United States are our
leaders (not all, some are trying to make honest changes and work for the
PEOPLE).  They're just having to wade thru a lot of S**T to do it !  Beg
your pardon.
One more thing- my ferrets are my sanity, along with all the love they seem
to bring out in so many peolpe.  I'd DIE to keep that !  Now I know (since
living in CaCaLand) what it must feel like to be black, gay or different for
whatever reason.  I hate it-it sickens me.  I wake each day to fear- fear of
what is suppose to be a government who loves its people.  I could not imagine
that before owning ferrets and living in a COMMIE STATE !  I just lalala-ed
thru life have a good time, BUT alas I've taught my children better.
****Thank you BIG, for allowing me this space and time to come out !  Under
the circumstances, I thought this was the appropriate time to help bring the
masses together FOR OUR RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS.  Last BUT by no means least, GO
Sheba Williamson, AKA [DS]
[Moderator's note: Please let's not go off in too many directions here.  It
wasn't too easy to decide to post this, I guess it was the "coming out of
[DS] that convinced me to post :-)  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 1965]