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Wed, 30 Apr 1997 17:15:25 -0500
MR CHARLES R ONKEN <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (33 lines)
Cujo is still hanging in there.  He is still very tired acting, but seems a
little more alert today (Wednesday afternoon).  I think back to when I had
my gallbladder out, and I wasn't all that chipper three days later, either.
Just as a reminder, Cujo had surgery Sunday afternoon because he couldn't
urinate.  The vet took two "masses" of fine-grained crystals from his
bladder and back flushed as best he could with a kitten catheter.  We give
him as much Pedialyte and Sustacal as we can get him to drink, and made a
version duck soup of Totally Ferret, boiled chicken, papaya tablet, brewers
yeast, Pedialyte and Sustacal..all pureed in a blender.  He is still is not
on solid food, but that's OK.  We'll feed him anything he'll take.  He also
gets .4 (whatever it is on the syringe) of Amoxycillen every twelve hours.
I was really worried about him yesterday and wondered if he would still be
with us this morning.  He just didn't look all that good to me.  But this
afternoon, his tummy swelling seems to have gone down a little bit, and he
is looking around more, showing a little more interest in the world around
him.  He sleeps most of the time except when we feed him and he is up quite
often to go to the litter box.  He doesn't appear to urinate much at a time,
but the litter gets soaked eventually, so his blockage appears to be gone.
I worried about blood clots or left-over crystals, but so far, so good.  We
take it day by day and are thankful for every day that he is here.  You
don't know what these little guys mean to you until you almost lose one.
Thanks again to everyone who took the time to e-mail suggestions and
encouragement.  It means a lot.
Give each of your fuzzies an extra hug and kiss tonight.  Tell them it is
from Cujo.  Our thoughts are with those who have gone over Rainbow Bridge.
We know how close Cujo came.
 Charlie in Kissimmee
[Posted in FML issue 1919]