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Fri, 25 Apr 1997 23:04:21 -0600
Sherrie Wilson <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (41 lines)
Hi all!
Can ferrets see color?  The only time (thank goodness!) Dweezil seems to
attack my feet is when I'm wearing red socks!  Maybe she's related to a
Spanish fighting bull <g> tho' I seem to recall they *are* color blind!  :)
Also, 'ferret-math' has been creeping into my thoughts a lot lately, but I
have so many questions...Will my Dweezil be jealous and love me less?...Will
I love her less?...Will I have enough love to go around?  Will the new one
become neglected?  Since Dweezil's my first, should I just have her to fully
experience ferret-ownership alone to begin with?  ARRRGH!  Not to mention
the health risks involved with adding a new fuzzy (i.e. ECE) Dweezil just
seems so bored sometimes.  Maybe I should try to find here someone in my
area with another solo fuzzy that needs a part-time playmate?  ('Hey!  Can
Rascal/Bandit/Buttons come out and play?' and hope they don't pass ECE to
each other?) Thoughts?
ANNNNND...I just bought Dweezil a new cage and wanted to share the info...
I'm pretty pleased with it.  The Midwest one was just TOO big for my
apartment (and expensive!) This one's by Ware.  It's 48" tall, 36" wide and
just 14" deep (makes a big difference in space conserving...it's no deeper
than a bookshelf/ent.  center...fits much better against my wall than the
2-ft deep Midwest).  It's got 4 levels.  2 are the full length of the cage,
the other 2 are 18" long and all have ramps.  I think it's much safer than
the Midwest cage since there's not that big open area to fall from the
perches.  It's got 3 doors, side handles, a detachable bottom and a *black*
finish (matches the rest of my place!) and was only $125 at PetSmart.  (And
now I have room for ferret-math!  ooooppppssss.....)
If anyone has comments please email me as I am about 2 *months* behind on
the FML and who knows how long it will take me to catch up!  Thanks for
letting me ramble...I haven't posted in a while!
Dweezil ('what's this about sharing my nice big new home?  well, okay, well,
no, well, okay, well, no...')
p.s.  is peanut butter (all natural, creamy, no sugar or salt added) an okay
treat for ferts?  she loved it when I gave her some...I figured it's super
high in fat and protein, so it couldn't be that bad, right?
[Posted in FML issue 1914]