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Mon, 21 Apr 1997 14:13:20 -0400
Shari Diane <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (19 lines)
Rogue (a 3yo female) went *back* under the knife last Thursday.  The first
surgery in March found the tumor in the right gland, and the vet decided it
was inoperable.  The owner was able to get the vet to research information
and consult with other nationally-known ferret vets on de-bulking and/or
ligating (tie-off) the vena cava in the right gland.  The vet was a bit
tentative on ligating the vena cava, so a different local vet, with one
recent successful operation of ligation, did the surgery.
The vena cava was ligated successfully.  Her owner says Rogue is doing fine,
and has abundant energy.  Thanks goes to Dr. Bruce Williams for reporting in
the FML Adrenal Gland FAQ that this type of surgery *can* be done!  Now, we
need to convince Dr. Karen Rosenthal in NYC.
Why is there opposite medical opinions in the FML Adrenal Gland FAQ on the
effectiveness of Lysodren?
Shari Gunter
[Posted in FML issue 1910]