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Tue, 18 Mar 1997 02:35:03 -0600
Laura Young <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (72 lines)
Hello all!  It's been many many moons since our last post and well, we are
WAY behind on reading the FML.  But We're trying to catch up as quickly as
possible.  Just a few things we'd like to touch on before we forget.
* Outcast of Redwall-Great book, bought it just because I saw the ferret
face on the cover.  Sucker!
* Vacuum cleaners-Booger loves it, he tries to drag it off to his hidy hole.
The others hate it.
*Halo, my 6lb.  baby is a huge ham.  I'm taking a photography class and
whilst I was doing an assignment he would come and lay on, behind or next to
what ever it was I was shooting until I took pictures of him.
*I'd love to see the video of Mo' Bob's confrontation with the CaCa lady.
Just reading it cracked me up!
*Halo likes to sleep on his back most of the time too.
*He's about to get neutered, I think 6 pounds is big enough and the smell is
getting pretty strong too. (I will not be de-scenting him though)
* Visit 'his' page at (click on his name)
http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Quad/1022/ to read his thoughts on
being a fat ferret. ooo! There's a picture of Booger and him there too.
* I think Tavi was an eskimo in a past life.  She loves to go out side when
the weather is cold.  She'll shiver and her tail will poof out but she
doesn't want to come back in side.  She says 'Bbbut I'm nnnot cccold rrealy.
Ddo I have ttto come innnnnnow?'.
*Wanna hear the stupid question of the day?
I was working with some people making a movie in San Antonio last summer and
I took Booger to the set since they were in San Marcos filming a scene.  One
of the stars asks me (I would say who but I don't know if I can without
getting in trouble with BIG or other peoples) "What is that, a skunk?"
DOH!!!!  They really need some info on ferrets in CaCa land.
* You know your ferrets are spoiled(or you're just insane) when ...
Every time you go to the store you look for new and exciting toys for them
before buying your groceries.
You fluff thier blankets for them every day.
You're late for work because they 'really needed an extra ten minutes of
play time' or you just *had* to give them kisses and scratches one more time
before heading out the door.
You put off doing laundry because they love to play in the dirty clothes.
You lift them up to(and stand there holding them or to catch them before the
fall) the ceiling, pictures, mirrors, linen cabinets, top of bookcases etc.
to give them 'a new and intresting view/place to check out'.
You forgo perfume and just use 'Scent of Ferret' by rubbing them on your
pulse points.
And am I just really, really crazy or do any of you find yourselves putting
the word ferret, your ferrets names or activities into songs?  Like, We had
joy, we had fun, we had ferrets in the sun and the noise that I heard were
just ferrets in the night.  Or just make up weird songs from no where...E.g.
Ferrets, ferrets everywhere.  Ferrets, ferrets in my hair.
Sometimes I scare people that don't really know me or that I have ferrets by
doing this.  They stare and then start looking for the Looney Bin truck that
I must have escaped from.  Okay, I'll admit it I even scare the ones that
*do* know me.  And it's spreading.  It's really getting bad now, my mom is
calling them her furry grandchilden.
Well, thanks for letting us share. Have a good week!
Laura and The Troublesome Trio
[Posted in FML issue 1876]