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Tue, 18 Mar 1997 18:19:47 +0000
Margaret Zick <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (45 lines)
Hi FML Family,
The Pookster here (aka White Fang).  I just wanted to give ya'll an update
on how things are going here in Missouri land.  (Mom said I can say ya'll
since I am an adopted Southerner)
Its still winter here off and on and the gang from Houston are complaining
about it.  They are ready for some warm weather, man they sure do whine
about it.  I keep trying to tell them they don't have fleas because of the
cold but they don't seem to care.
I found myself a pencil last night and had a snack.  Those erasers sure are
good!  And after Mom, Mo' Maggie, found out, she gave me lots of kittymalt
for a treat.  I don't think she realizes that is why I do it.  And yes Dad,
Mom still gives me two raisins everyday.
I have two boyfriends now.  Nicky is my original boyfriend, but now I have
Ollie too.  They don't mind sharing and we all sleep together in the same
hammock.  Mom calls us the DEW gang, says we are so cute when we sleep, just
a big ball of white fur.  Nicky is getting around better with his new
physical therapy that Auntie Noni designed for him.  I have to run faster to
get away from him now!
We heard from Auntie Monica in Calgary this weekend.  I miss her.  She
sounds like she is doing good though.  Her and Mom are talking about getting
together sometime.  Maybe I can go too.
Mom wanted me to tell everyone who helped Auntie Trish rescue me last year
that she is planning on trying to take pictures of me (if she can get Dad to
help hold me still) and sending copies to anyone who wants one.  Can you
believe it, its been a year since that all started.  I sure am one lucky
little fart with all the people who love me.  So if you want a picture of
one beautiful Canadian girl type ferret, send Mom an email and she will get
one out to you.
I want to thank everyone who donated money to help me and a big thanks to
Auntie Trish, Auntie Monica and Dad Mo' Bob.  I am so glad they helped me.
I know Dad still wishes I was his but I am so happy here with Mom and the
Missouri Mob.  Besides, Mom can sleep with me without wearing shoes.  ;-)
Mo' Pookie Bear
[Posted in FML issue 1876]