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Thu, 6 Mar 1997 10:48:18 -0500
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It's been four weeks now since Bambi passed away, it has taken me this long
just to deal with it.  MF sent me a 7 week old male ferret last weekend so
we now have a new fuzzie in our home.  He has a sweet temperment, he reminds
alot of Bambi.  We havent named him yet I can't come up with anything that
suits him yet, my 4 year old daughter was suppose to name him but she doesnt
want to name him.  I just wanted to take this time to thank everybody for
writing and supporting me it helped out a great deal.  It is really hard
understanding why her life was ended at 14 weeks because of a stupid illness
but I have to deal with it everyday and it has made me stronger and more
aware of what to be careful of.  Now I am finally at the stage that I would
like to share my poem that I wrote for Bambi with everybody.
     You danced, you pranced, you ran into my heart
     little did I know we would soon then part,
     I cuddled, I kissed, I loved you with all my might
     I just don't understand why you were ripped out of my life,
     I am still very angry about the pain you went through
     I just keep thinking if only there was something I could do,
     Now it's all over and now your not here
     As I sit here and write I am shedding my tears,
     Katie is so young she doesn't understand
     sometimes we just sit and hold each others hand,
     We think about you, the things you did and how you use to play
     We will always remember you each in our own special way,
     Bouncer still aggrivates the cat, but he is O.Kay
     he still bounces off the wall every single day,
     Bouncer is more hyper, but he still misses you
     I guess this is something we all have to get through,
     As I sit here I wonder if you still remember me
     I know the answer, cause best friends we will always be,
     Be happy and be free and one day we will reunite
     but until that day you will be in God's sight,
     I just want you to know Bambi, you will always be in my heart
     And as soon as we are together again, then we will never part.
I hope this poem helps others out there that have lost a pet, I know it
helps knowing that there are others out there that feel the same why you do
and they survived this horrible tragedy.  Although it's not easy the pet or
you will never be forgotten.
[Posted in FML issue 1864]