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Wed, 5 Mar 1997 18:29:10 -0800
Susan Dastous <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (41 lines)
Hi everyone,
I haven't posted in a while, but I still read the FML everyday.  I've been
really enjoying the limiricks and bumper stickers lately!  I wish I could
think up one of my own, but I guess I'm not very creative...
I wanted to respond to Margaret Ann's comments about vaccine reactions.  My
boy, Buddy, had a pretty severe reaction to his vaccinations two years ago.
Last year, my vet pre-medicated Buddy before his shots and he was fine, no
reaction.  Incidentally, Buddy had his first series of shots using Fervac-D.
His 1-year booster (the one in which the reaction occurred) was with
Galaxy-D.  (Last year, I had the fuzzies vaccinated with Galaxy-D also).
Buddy is the only one of my four to have a reaction to his vaccination.
Food question:
Several months ago I switched the kids to Totally Ferret.  At first I was
mixing it with their IAMs kitten food, but eventually I was feeding them
only the Totally Ferret.  Then I decided that I would mix the IAMs into
their food again just in case I can't get Totally Ferret sometime.  The
problem is, now they won't eat the IAMs anymore.  Buddy and Cinnamon might
take a few bites, but they definitely prefer the Totally Ferret.  Sammy and
Tequila will have nothing to do with the IAMs food.  And this is a group
that was raised on IAMs up until a few months ago.  My question is - why
have they decided that IAMs kitten food isn't good enough for them anymore
when that's all they've eaten for most of their lives?  Weird.
Check out my kids on the web!!!  Thanks to Lorraine Tremblay at The Ferret
Curiosity Shop, my babies pictures on the web.  The URL is:
Thanks again Lorraine!!
Take care everyone,
Sue and the Fuzzy Four
Sammy: "Mom's trying to feed us that inferior food again!"
Tequila: "Yeah, we've got to put a stop to it."
Cinnamon: "I like the old food, but the new food is much better!"
Buddy: "I don't care, I'll eat anything."
[Posted in FML issue 1863]