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Tue, 25 Feb 1997 12:37:41 -0500
Diana Bachman Frosty Paws Ferret <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (58 lines)
Just getting back from my cross-country jaunt to Seattle, I have been trying
to get caught up with my FML, and wanted to add my .02 worth about ECE.
I realize everyone has (I hope) their fuzzies' best interests in mind, but I
am getting a little tired of all the insinuating remarks and finger-pointing
I have seen going on in the FML regarding ECE.  I do sympathize with all who
have lost beloved fuzzies to ECE.  I realize that everyone has an opinion on
this subject, and that anger and frustration in losing a pet perhaps adds
fuel to the fire in this matter.  I wanted to add my experiences with ECE
and my observations on this very controversial subject.  ( And please this
is not a flame, and I do not wish to be flamed..  this is just MY opinion) I
am a ferret breeder, and many years ago when ECE first reared its ugly head,
my colony became infected.  AT that time< I had over 30 ferrets, ranging in
age from 11yrs down to 1 week, with a couple of pregnant jills.  Several of
my ferrets also had underlying conditions, such as insulinomas.  I nursed
them around the clock as my schedule would allow, and treated with
medications.  This went on for about 3 weeks, all recovered, but one of my 5
yr olds.  The ones with insulinomas, and my older ferrets all came through
with flying colors.  I was the Clorox Queen, bleaching and disinfecting til
my hands were bright red!  This exposure came at a time when there was a
lull in the show schedule.  Meanwhile, I quarantined my house and refused to
allow my ferrets in or out and wouldn't allow any ferrets in for breeding,
etc.  Later in the fall, I resumed showing my ferrets.  Since that time, my
number of ferrets has grown, and I have taken in many more ferrets, gone to
shows throughout the country, bred my ferrets with others, and so forth, and
get this..  HAVE NOT HAD ANY OTHER OUTBREAK OF ECE!!!  Most of the ferrets I
have now weren't around when the original exposure occurred, but have NOT
exhibited any signs.  I attend at least 12 shows per year, and have handled
and judged many ferrets, and have had NO other bouts of ECE.
Also, in talking to people I have met at pet stores, who have NEVER attended
a ferret show, didn't know other ferret people, and their first and only
ferrets were MF, I have spoken to quite a few that have had ECE themselves.
So, in this light, quit sticking all the blame on the ferret shows!!  Where
then, did these people's ferrets get exposed to ECE??  We still don''t have
all the answers.  Unfortunately, perhaps we never will.  My humble opinion
is that like it or not, the ECE virus (ok, maybe its not a virus, but for
argument's sake, let's say it is) is something that we ferret owners are
just going to have to learn to live with (sort of like the flu bug and death
and taxes).  If you are going to own or be owned by ferrets, you might as
well prepare yourselves that at one time or another, you WILL contract it!!
Each person has a right to choose if they wish to attend a show, or if they
will allow their ferrets to have contact with other ferrets and their
owners.  Pointing fingers, and making insinuations about particular ferret
groups, shows, and making personal attacks on people won't get any of us
anywhere.  It seems to me that everyone is getting way too paranoid about
ECE.  We each do the very best we can to prevent an occurrance in our homes,
but we all know the saying..  poo poo occurs.  So, lighten up, everyone.
I am apolitical, and do not side with any one group over another.  ( And
yes, I have even gotten flack about that, too!) With me, when you're right,
you're right, and when you're wrong, you're wrong.  Everyone, let's get over
it and move on!!
Di Bachman
Frosty Paws Ferrets
[Posted in FML issue 1855]