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Mon, 17 Feb 1997 07:50:16 +0000
text/plain (34 lines)
Well gang, after forwarding the president several of your emails, he finally
sent the email below to me after I told him I had paid for a host.  We won
and I want to thank you for it.
However, as I said, I already paid for a provider and have already started
building the new site.  This was going to happen sooner or later anyway
since I don't plan on working here much longer.
You all are really something and I cannot wait for the anniversary get
together to meet you.
Again, thank you all my friends!
Below is what the president sent me back.
oh......ferretworld.com and ferretworld.com/Rainbow_Bridge will be the new
sites.  However, the name hasn't went through InterNIC yet so all I have a
temp ip address.  Until then, the old site is still up.
>Don't bother.  By copy of this, I am asking Mr. Barden to re-examine his
>earlier admonition to you re this page in light of its educational nature
>and as an expression of a valued staff member's technical acumen in mounting
>and maintaining such a page.
Roger Poore
Ferret World, The Coolest Place on Earth!
The Legend of Rainbow Bridge (dealing with pet loss)
[Posted in FML issue 1847]