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Tue, 4 Feb 1997 12:53:25 -0500
text/plain (21 lines)
There have been several posts recently about forcefully prying a ferret off
one's finger, nose, etc.  In my experience, it isn't necessary to do this
and probably causes the little guy to clamp on harder.  To remove a ferret
who has clamped onto you, gently place your finger over his nostrils and he
must open his mouth to breathe, at which point you remove your finger.  This
will save everyone a lot of unnecessary agitation.
Odd dream--
I must have been influenced by the recent posts about ferret dreams and had
this one last night--
I was heating up some fish and potatoes, I think, in a large black skillet.
My 2 sable ferrets, Ralph and Harry, kept jumping into the frying pan and
laying down next to the fish to keep warm.  I was afraid they would burn
themselves so I kept removing them, but they kept jumping back in.  At one
point I picked Harry up and looked at his stomach.  It wasn't burned, but it
was lightly browned.  Weird, huh?
     Ralphie, Harry, Prince Charming and Merlin's mom
[Posted in FML issue 1835]