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Sat, 1 Feb 1997 03:09:51 EST
TONI L JAMES <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (47 lines)
Thank you all that took the time to help.  I am happy to say that after a
nice long bath, the fuzzies are feeling much better.  Mama and I came up
with Bandit being allergic to fleas, that is why he had his throwing up
episode.  Yesterday we noticed that his "manhood" was bright red and lasted
all day, but with nothing oozing out or anything.  After giving all a bath
and cleaning out their cage and washing everything, he is back to normal.
His head is not swollen anymore, his "manhood" has a small flea bite "too
close for comfort", and he will not lay still anymore in our arms.  Weird
how happy we were when he wouldn't cuddle.  Biff didn't slobber tonight
after eating his hot meal.  Apparently I should give my vet more credit than
I have been.  But, his wheezing is still there.  He was playing real rough
tonight, and while laying on his side, trying to attack Ba-leigh, you could
hear him gasping a little.  But he wasn't going to move because he had
finally had her pinned.  I picked him up, held him a minute and he calmed
down.  He then walked around a while, then gradually worked up to playing
again.  It seems more and more that it is asthma.
After they had their baths last nights, it seemed to break the ice, they
were all mad for having one, and they all attacked anything, or anyone, in
their path.  Beige did nothing but bounce around all night, and I can
happily say that the attitude was carried on to tonight, where you got the
feeling that they were all raised together.
When we bought Ba-leigh, we gave her a bath and the others as soon as we got
home, so that they would all smell the same, and they would all be in a
playful mood rather than a annoying mood when they met Ba-leigh.  They all
hit it off right after the baths and she was able to sleep with them that
night.  We waited with Beige and Biff because of how scared they were, and
because of Biff being sick.  I guess it all depends on the situation.
Biff will go to the vet Monday for a check up on his medicine, until then we
have to watch and see.
For a little lighter note, when Mama was reaching over the barrier to get
her a drink and talk to the dogs, Brey decided she wanted to look.  So she
climbed up Mama's leg as high as she could and clinged on till Mama got her
and let her look.  She then put her down, but Brey wasn't done, so she stood
up on Mama's leg, but she was ignored, so she slid down, rolled over, and
stuck her feet in the air till Mama picked her up.  She is spoiled.
Toni & Mama
Bandit, Brey, Belle, Brock, Blackee, Blanco, Ba-leigh, Beige & Biff
Picayune, Mississippi
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