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Tue, 14 Jan 1997 01:40:46 -0800
Thomas Howe <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (40 lines)
Howdy Ya'll,
Just sitting here thinking about the crazy things that ferrets do and I
realized that my fuzzies are crazy!  The "baby" Applejax is wild.  Somehow
she got into the bathroom and found the toilet scrubber and totally went
crazy!  It was like she was posessed!!  She was scratching the scrubber and
attacking it and acting wild!  (WEIRD!!)
Fruitloop is the escape artist, or rather she tries to be!  Everytime I turn
my back she is at the door scratching away trying to get out, or trying to
get into the 13 gal. trash can!
I don't work at the pet store on the weekends but over the weekend this lady
bought one of our ferrets, this really cute cinnamon one, and she brought it
back the next day!  The reason, it bite her on the arm!  When will people
learn.  My new saying to these people is going to be a comparison between
dogs and ferrets... "Do you like dogs?" response "yes" me "well have you
ever seen a dog bite someone?" "yes" "are you still scared of dogs?" Or
something to that effect!  She said her kids are now scared of
It is people like that that make ferrets illegal!  Just some of my thoughts!
Don't forget if anyone ever wants to send me free stuff feel free to do so!:)
Oh also I know where you can get ferret checks!  I got the address from
a ferret store on-line:
Kansas Bank Note Co.Inc
P.O.Box 360
Fredonia, Kansas 55736
ATTN: Personalized Check Dept.
Ask for the animal check list and free samples of the ferret checks!
[Posted in FML issue 1815]