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Sun, 5 Jan 1997 18:09:09 -0700
Louie Tafoya <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (50 lines)
Hi, just wanted to respond to the several attacks on the Shelter subject.
Also I'm not a shelter of any kind, I have taken in dozens of rabbits and
ferts over the last decade.  Many times have I gotten animals that were
sick, starved, not properly taken care of, or the owners just grew tired of
the chores that come with animals.  Yes, I will spend the time and money to
nurish them back to health.  Luckily I know how to give my own shots both
vaccanations and antibiotic so I save a bunch.  Also by raising animals for
the last 19 yrs anything from goats, chickens, waterfowl, cats, rabbits (by
the hundrets for shows not pets), Ferrets, and Chinchillas I can diagnose
most problems.  I have pulled kits from goats and rabbits, tied cords on
baby ferrets, lanced abcesses, treated rabbits for earmites and fur mites,
treated ferret for fleas and ringworm, treated wry neck successfully with
just PenV, and treated many colds.  If I would of had to use a vet each time
I would be in the poorhouse at this time.  I learned to make due.  By
treating my own animals I have learned so much.  If I'm unsure of something
I do consult my vet.  He is great and always gives me the answers I'm
lacking.  My main question is do shelters treat their own animals at all?
Do any of you give the fervac shots?  I know the cost of one shot is about
$1.80 including shipping.  Rabies shots are about $1.25 including shipping.
I know some states prohibit shipment of rabies vacine, NM is one of them.
So we go to Colorado (the gang of 9 and me) and get the shots there, at a
friends ranch.  Where there is a will there is a way.  As far as I know this
is 100% legal.  Owners can give their own shots just keep the empty bottles
as proof if you ever need it.  I'm not sure what vets charge for
vaccanations since I have never used a vet for that...but I'm sure you can
buy several dosages for the price of one shot.  The syringes and needles can
be purchased at the time you buy the vacine.  I buy them by the case of a
100 at a time, again to save money.  With all the different types of food I
buy for all of my animals every cent saved, helps.
Another toy idea I would like to share is PVC.  If you know of a plumber
next door or a friend have him save you some 3" pieces...they make great
tunnels to play in...adding an elbow here and there...you can have a
playland in no time at all.  Big plus they can't chew it.
If anyone needs the address to buy the fervac or IMrab3, you do have to buy
it in dosages of 10 for the fervac and 50 dosages of the rabies, please
e-mail me directly at [log in to unmask]  The anibiotics can be purchased
at most feed stores or large animal suppliers.  You do have to know about
the different types since there are so many to choose from.  The smaller
gauge needles I had to order in as well, since I could only find 23 gauge
here, for the ferrets I use 25 gauge needles.
I think the shelters do a great job...lets just be thankfull that they are
around...keep up the good work...
Mini and the gang of 9
[Posted in FML issue 1806]