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Wed, 1 Jan 1997 13:53:12 -0500
Ferret Rescue of Tidewater <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (68 lines)
Hi All and Happy New Year!
I wanted to respond about the teeth cleanings - I use a product called
Petrodex and it is malt flavored - my ferrets love the taste of the
toothpaste and it is no trouble to brush their teeth twice weekly!  It helps
keep tarter buildup down and gum disease to a minimum (gosh, I sound like a
dentist <g>) I would caution against using human toothpaste, since this is
not designed to be swallowed!
As a shelter, I feel I have to respond to the questions about adoption fees -
please bear in mind this is in my particular situation, I am not speaking
for anyone else.  I think that we are deluding ourselves if we think that
charging an adoption fee will prevent someone from not treating a ferret
well- we have become such a disposable society - just go to your local
S.P.C.A and look at all of the purebred dogs & cats - I know of one person
in particular who spent $800.00 on a pair of persian kittens, only to turn
them in to the SPCA because his children werent taking care of them and he
did not want to either!  Our shelter spent almost $4,000.00 last year in
medical bills alone, we took in 80 ferrets and adopted out 54.  We now have
11 ferrets that are considered unadoptable - either age, health, temperament
or a combination of these conditions have made them not available for
adoption.  We charge an adoption fee so that the ferrets that stay within
the organization are guaranteed the best medical care that We can provide.
It also helps defray the costs of vaccinations, neuter/spays, printing
costs, food & supplies.  Do I accept donations?  You betcha, although that
attributed less than 10% of our income for 1996.  I am not proud when it
comes to my fuzzies, I will take whatever help that is offered, whether it
be money or supplies.  I want what is best for the ferrets - bottom line!
We screen all prospective ferret adopters - this is a 3 page contract that
must be signed and we allow for in-house checks on the ferret within the
first three years of adoption.  If I dont trust you, you will not get one of
my ferrets!  The animals have had one bad break already, and I will do my
best to make sure that they are not going from the frying pan into the fire!
As you can see, I take my responsibility of the rescues very seriously, and
I do hope that I have not offended anyone.  That is not my intent, I only
want people who question what I do to understand that the costs I have
incurred are not even taken into consideration.  I do not charge the rescue
back for food, litter, cages, bedding, postage, supplies like ferretone &
treats, and some surgeries - these costs I just absorb into my regular
household budget.  Please don't take me for a matyr, all the other rescues I
am sure do the same - its the only way we can stay in business!
As far as purchasing ferrets, yes I have gone and purchased a ferret from an
owner out of my own money and then turned it back to the rescue for
adoption.  I did not charge the purchase back to the rescue, and I do not do
if often, but I have & if I feel I have to do it again, I will.  My main
concern is for the ferret!
As far as Patricia is concerned I am sure that she is speaking about
irresponsible breeders, not those that only breed when they have people who
want a kit already lined up, or those that keep their ferrets in clean, airy
environments, or those that track their kits through their lifespan, or
those that when they discover a genetic defect in a particular line,
neuter/spay the animal; she is referring to those that do not do any of
this, and I have to say that I agree with her!  I do not breed, but I am not
anti-breeder; I simply choose not to breed ferrets.
I think that we all need to make a resolution for 1997 to be kinder, gentler
and more understanding to not only our pets, but to each other.  So many
times we have misunderstood and been misunderstood, because the written word
can be taken in so many different contexts.  We all obviously love our
ferrets, and are very tolerant of them, why can't we be with each other?
Just MHO.
[Posted in FML issue 1802]