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Thu, 12 Jun 1997 15:50:20 -0700
Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (43 lines)
To the Jacobs family -
I am sad, I am heartbroken, I am PISSED OFF, and it's been a pretty horrible
day.  (I've been crying here at work for most of the afternoon, and I didn't
really feel like sharing it with anyone, so my co workers just think I'm
just a lunatic.)
I was on the air today (radio DJ) and after I heard, I played the Allman
Brothers "Blue Sky" and sobbed and prayed.  I know alot of others did too at
that same time, and I hope you and your family, and especially Kodo, could
feel it.
I've always had a secret that I've felt guilty for all these years, that
I've never shared with anyone.  Deep down inside, animal cruelty and abuse
always touched me more deeply and hurt me more than the stupid, violent,
things that people do to one another.  I always thought what a mean and
horrible person I must be to feel more for animals than people, but I
couldn't help it.  Now I see that part of my feelings stem from the way we
take the lives of animals without even blinking.  The people who killed Kodo
would never think of harming a human being, right?
When I got home this afternoon, I kissed and hugged my three for HOURS, and
I think they knew I was sad, and they licked my tears away.  I think we all
love our babies just a little more today.
If anything good at all has come from this, it was the chance for all of us
to become friends with you and your wonderful caring family.  My sympathies
go out to you and especially your children, who will never in a million
years understand why their pet was murdered.  And Kodo was NOT euthanized,
he was murdered.  It's one thing to lose a pet to disease or old age, it's
even worse when your pet is intentionally harmed, because that is an animal
who was not ready to go yet, and who has suffered....and they wouldn't even
let you say good-bye....how completely and utterly cruel...not even one
little tiny bit of compassion.  My heart breaks for all of you.  At least
you know that you did everything you could do, and we all know that we
helped as best we could.  And we all got to meet and love Kodo, and he will
never be forgotten by any of us.
I am so sorry for you, and so sad today...
CA DJ, Boo Boo, Bear and Lil' Dude
[Posted in FML issue 1968]