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Sat, 31 May 1997 09:05:18 -0700
Leonard Bottleman <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (56 lines)
I found this lurking in my mailbox yesterday (it wasn't a spammed message,
and when I replied Natasha sent back a personal response).
It looks like a good chance to increase the public's posative awareness of
Leonard Bottleman
[Moderator's note: Maybe not a spam, but the nearly identical note was
posted on the FML 3 days ago, only that one was signed Josh Meckler!  BIG]
>My name is Natasha and I'm writing to request your help.
>I work for a new TV program called "PetLine" which will be airing on the
>Animal Planet network (owned by Discovery Channel) in October.  The show is
>a call-in program where viewers phone in to discuss problems they have with
>their pets (dogs, cats, snakes, anything).  Our two hosts, Doug McConnell
>and pet expert Patricia McConnell, then answer the questions -- and
>hopefully, everyone has fun in the process.
>The style we're going for here is something like "Car Talk" on NPR.  But the
>hook to our program is that we ask viewers to send in videotapes of their
>pets, so we can then show the tapes while we're on the air.
>In any case, I'm writing you because we're trying to round up potential
>call-ins and videotapes from around the country.  After finding your posting
>on the internet, I thought that you might be interested in being a call-in
>guest -- or know of others who might like to appear on the program.
>The key is that these people would need to contact us via e-mail or phone,
>so we can send them an information packet.  If people contact us via e-mail,
>we need their message to include the following:
>        1. Person's name
>        2. Phone number
>        3. Kind of pet
>        4. Pet's name
>        5. Pet's problem
>        6. The best time to reach the person
>Our toll-free number is 1-888-258-PETS.
>Once we send the packets to the pet owners, they would then need to
>videotape their pets and send in the tapes.
>If you have time, please e-mail me to let me know if you can help us.  Also,
>feel free to post this message or post it to anyone who you think could
>I look forward to hearing from you.  Thank you very much for your time.
>Natasha Price
>Production Assistant, PetLine
>[log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 1953]