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Mon, 26 May 1997 11:46:45 -0400
Jaclyn D Vanderhoef <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (19 lines)
Hello all.
Haven't really posted lately.  My roommate and I are moving from a dorm room
to a townhouse next week.  Trevor, the little monster that I found in March
is still not litter trained.  I have not been trying too hard in the dorms.
It's easy just to clean up after him, When we move though it will be a
different story.  (wall to wall carpeting and two floors.) Anyway, I intend
to just start from scratch and treat him like a new kit.  My other ferret,
Kif, mostly trained himself with little help from me.  I know all the
basics, but can you guys give me some extra tips, things that you just fell
upon while training.  When I tried to train him before, he got very defiant
and started going everywhere even in the middle of the room, now he uses two
corners, under my bed and right NEXT to the pan.  Please, any ideas would be
SO helpful.
Thank you.
Jacki   Kif and Trevor
Good luck Kodo.
[Posted in FML issue 1948]