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Mon, 19 May 1997 20:15:30 -0400
John McBride <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (24 lines)
Hi there,
I have a question.I have had Nosey and Trouble for about 7 months now(they
are 9 months old) and they never bit when i first got them so I am not sure
how to handle Rebel.  Rebel was 5 weeks old when i got him with a hip
problem(which turned out to be nothing more then him being way young and
learning to walkand it was out o fplace for a little bit).  So I thought
well it must hurt him or someone hurt him for him to bite all the time.Well
we got through the hip thing and it has been almost 4 weeks now and he
attacks our ankles and bites when we hold him and try to love on him.How old
are they when they stop bitting?He is almost 9 weeks isn't that old enough
to know better?  I guess it doesn't help to let him bite and my husband
plays rough with him but now i think it is time to stop biting.What is the
best way to do this??  I try scruffing but he does the exorcist thing with
his neck and yelling at him gets him more excited.Has anyone else had luck
with some thing different?
I know this has been adressed before but i can't seem to find the posting on
it.  Email me directly at [log in to unmask]
Nosey Trouble and Rebel
[Posted in FML issue 1941]