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Fri, 16 May 1997 18:46:07 -0500
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(This is a venting post, and if it is dropped from the list I will
Can someone please, in God's name, tell my why we even BOTHER to vaccinate
our animals?????  Why do we as animal lovers go to the trouble to keep our
animals up, keep them vaccinated, make sure that they don't get mauled by
strange and potenitally dangerous wild animals, and then if some STUPID kid
comes up and gets "play nipped" or some little old man with onion thin skin
BLOOD.  I tell you I am getting scared as HELL to take my animals anywhere
in public, because there is always some sue happy SOB that will surly make a
mountain out of a mole hill.  (No reference to the man that was involved
with Kodo, because it has been my understanding that he's not the one
causing the trouble) EXAMPLE: I read an article one time about a PREACHER
and HIS WIFE that sued a man and his seeing eye dog, because the man stepped
on her toe and broke it (allegidly broke it) because she would not move out
of the way.....her excuse?????  "I wanted to see if the dog would go around
me" what kind of BOLSHIVIK is that?????
Our dear defenseless animals are the ones that always pay the price.  Well
let me tell you something.....no one and I DO MEAN NO ONE IS EVER GOING TO
TAKE MY BABIES AWAY....they will have to #$%^&* KILL ME FIRST!!!!!!!!Its not
like rabies is an epidemic or anything.  Especially in Michigan, it's worse
as you get further south.  Why is this decision such a problem.  Why cant
they just settle for a simple quarentine time (I read somwhere the other day
in my search for rabies info that suggested IMMEDIATE revaccination, and 90
days isolation)
Some one please answer me this>>> Has someone , anyone even MENTIONED to the
old man to take the shots, I mean, hell, they are only about $200, if
everyone on this list just gave a dollar to that man, he would be able to
pay for the shots, and then maybe poor little Kodo could be saved.  Does
anyone know if that corse of action has been attempted.
We are forced to vaccinate our animals against rabies, but there is no safty
for them if they are accused of biting someone.  When will it all
Kodo will be in my prayers tonight, and so will his family, they are
suffering unduly and I feel for them more deeply than they will know.  It's
hard enough for one to be taken by cancer, or disease, or old age, but to
have one physically ripped from your heart by callus human hands is by no
means dignified or acceptable.  Kodo will have lived his last few days in
fear and isolation from the family that he loves so much, wondering what he
did wrong and why they have given him up.  And if he is murdered, he will be
etched in every ferret lovers heart forever as another injustice done to the
animal kingdom through the hands of man.  And serve as a reminder that our
animals diserve the most watchful and attentive of eyes and deserve our
undying protection from all of the forces in this world that endanger them.
Thanks for listening.......
P.S.  Does anyone share my opinion that the government should have to pay
wrongful death settlements to anyone whose animal was distroyed for testing,
only to be negative???  As well as pay for anguish and suffering on the part
of the owner?  Just a thought.
[Posted in FML issue 1937]