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Mon, 12 May 1997 21:30:00 -0700
Jean Bush <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (39 lines)
I am so proud of one of my babies, I just had to boast.  We have a yearly
festival where I live and I, being very public (but carefully) with my
fuzzies, will take at least 1 with me where ever I can.  Not only do I get
the enjoyment of being with one of my best friends, they love the outings
and I hope to spread a little better understanding of ferrets to whomever I
happen to talk with.  Sometimes as was the case this time, they get to meet
one of their own to play with in our wanderings.  This year I took Falkor
with me for our first outing.  Even though he can be a little nippy if he
gets excited, I would put him in the new travel bag (completly of nylon
meshing so he can see and be cool) till he calmed down.  Except for the time
I was in a building which prudence made me keep him in the bag with the
occasional "show & tells" when people saw this squirmy "thing" in my purse
:), I didn't have to religate him to time out once.  I was SOoooo proud of
my baby.  Not one time did he misbehave or even act like he wanted to nip
anyone.  He was a major credit to ferrets, doing much to dispell the
terrible rumors they seem to have gathered.
On the flip side, can someone offer some insite.  I took my "rescue" baby in
for his final distemper booster (hadn't had any for 2 years before I got
him).  Over the last 2-3 weeks he seems to have lost his under coating on
the tip half of his tail.  Not his guard hairs, just the undercoating.  I
also noticed that it seems to be growing back in but not enough yet to say
it was just overshedding.  Of course, there was the Uh Oh from the vet which
I expected (Weezer is an MF fert and at "that age") but she suggests I keep
an eye for a few more weeks to see if it grows back or looses more before
going into the adrenal field.  Could this be something that can happen
sometimes, maybe and allergic reaction to the shots?  He hasn't lost hair
anywhere else and the base of his tail (where I hear they usually lose it
first) is quite fluffy.  I might also add that his coat was in pretty bad
condition becuase of his nearly starved state and low quality food he had
been given.  Can anyone suggest things that might also help to bring his
coat back up?  He is on Marshalls food with the rest and gets ferretone but
not excessive because I know over dose of the vitamin A can cause hair loss
too.  Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
Jean and the bundle Nikki, Jewell, Loki, Falkor, & Weezer
[Posted in FML issue 1932]