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Fri, 9 May 1997 18:55:24 -0400
Robert Jacobs <[log in to unmask]
text/plain (84 lines)
Friends of Kodo Thank You.
Friday, May 9, 1997 at approximatly 3:45 PM we recieved "the call" from our
attorney.  Very somber very sad voice on his end says, "Robert?  Would you
like the good or bad news first?" I said give me the bad news, then I can
use the good to recover from it with.  He said, "No Robert I can't do that
because there is NO BAD NEWS!!!" The court of appeals issued an injuntion
against anything happening to Kodo until further notice from them.
Now that's good news, not great news but very good anyhow.  Inturpreted it
means either they didn't get time to evaluate the appeal or they simply
hadn't come to a decision on it yet but either way it merited consideration.
So Kodo is alive and well until at least Monday.  Now if my calendar is
correct Monday is the tenth day since the incident.  If he had any problem
at all he'd be dead from it by Monday so that's another point in our favor.
I want to share the following with you.  ICKY, a twelve year old asked where
too send his money too to help our Kodo.  The following are copies of what
transpired from that message:
>We sit here in tears over this touching note from a young person so
>sensative to Kodo's plight.  Please forward this back to him from us and
>      ICKY
>You are a very special person.  Your love by this act of unselfish kindness
>has touched the hearts of thousands of people all across the world.  You
>have Kodo's Human mom and Dad sitting here crying over your overwhelming act
>of generosity as I'm sure many other people will be doing also.
>Kodo has only lived with us about 6 months and he's special just as you are.
>He's a ferret who has a passion for life and barrels of love for the people
>he owns.  Although he sits alone in an animal shelter as I (Bob Jacobs, his
>human dad) type this I'm sure your act of generosity and love have spanned
>all bariers and he feels it even where he is.  You sir are the special type
>person this world needs many of.
>I can assure you that your offer of generosity will not go un-noticed
>amongst all of the ferret community.  Thank you young sir.  Please use your
>money to get your pet something special or to help another one who may be in
>need of something special.  Although we are asking for help in the current
>situation, your overwhelming act and the love of life shown by it is more
>than enough and sets our resolve even more to never let this happen to
>anyone else's fur buddy!
>[log in to unmask] wrote:
>Guess what guys -
>Icky doesn't even have a ferret.  He just loves them.  (He has cats and
other animals.) He's pretty much a computer genious - check out his web
site - designed to complain because he doesn't have a ferret - links to
other sites - a memorial to a ferret.  I was in a private chat with his mom
once for a long time - she asked lots of questions - would like Icky to be
able to show a little more responsibility first - I think he'll get his
ferret one day...
 Miska [log in to unmask]
>Please have his mom call me.  If mom gives the ok ICKY has TWO ferrets
>of his very own complete with a custom built cage.  This young man is
>soooooo special in my heart!!
I can't help it friends, this brings a tear to my eye each time I read it.
The attorney says we MUST BE READY to fly "THE EXPERTS" in on 24 hour
notice.  Thanks to all of your help financially and morally much of this is
possible.  There's a long long way to go til we get all the funds needed to
carry this to completion, but whatever it takes we're gonna do it.  Like I
said yesterday, I'll sell everything I own to save this and every other
ferret in Michigan.
Robert Jacobs
Kodo's Proud PaPa
[Moderator's note: There over 20 further posts about the Kodo incident
toward the end of this FML, including addresses and donation info.  I'm
grouping them at the end today to get some variety up front!  BiG]
[Posted in FML issue 1929]