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Mon, 28 Apr 1997 14:12:00 -0400
Rochelle Newman <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (15 lines)
One of our ferrets has a watery eye.  There's absolutely no goop, or
stickiness, as I'd expect from an infection, and no crustiness - its just
watery.  Our vet took a look at her, and said that there were no obvious
scratches that he could see.  Furthermore, the whites didn't look blood-shot
at all (as you'd see with conjunctivitis)... The eye doesn't look swollen at
all, nor does it seem to be protruding at all relative to the other eye.
And the eyelid doesn't look swollen.  All of this would make me think she
just had allergies, but its only one eye, not both.  Any thoughts?  I really
don't want to just put her on antibiotics "just in case" when it doesn't
seem likely that its an infection, but I also don't want to just wait and
see.  Can anyone think of a possible problem/cause that I'm missing?
[Posted in FML issue 1917]