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Fri, 18 Apr 1997 11:29:44 +1000
"Andrew W.Gould" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (39 lines)
Oh no not again
It's Australia calling
More questions!!
I have just been given a ferret which has been fed on dog food for the last
year, since birth.  HELP?  Are there anywise of boosting it fast, the Duck
receipts all seem lower in proteinss and fats than optimal??  We have no
ferretone or linatone though we do have other similar things I think.  What
is in ferretone and linatone exactly?
I also received two phone calls from Ferret ??  people one asked can you get
a muzzle for ferret I suggested good training and gentle handling, any other
The second call asked if I had any "cheap" ferrets?  They claimed someone
was charging $10 US for a ferret and would I go cheaper.!  This poor ferret
would have had no vaccinations not been desexed etc.  What did you all do in
the time of ferrets coming of age in the USA any suggestions on how to get
it into peoples heads these are not cheap Pets !  but valuable companions.
For the genetics team-What is an Angora ferret?
I did some quick calculations and in Australia even if the ratio of
population to ferret ownership were the same(which I doubt) that would give
about 17 000 'pet' ferret.  Of those the large majority are kept for
rabbiting only and not as companions.  As such the gene pool problem is
immense and any suggestions for checking Inbredness besides obvious external
deformities and ever decreasing size?
Lastly I have had more questions on how to get a ferret to get along with
Bunny, Rat, lizard etc?  I thought unless they were brought up together from
kithood there was not a chance and they still could not ever be left
together unsupervised.  Any suggestion
Oh well I still love them
Beth and the Furry brood
hrolf@dynamite .com.au
[Posted in FML issue 1906]