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Mon, 14 Apr 1997 23:38:36 -0400
"Susan A. Kennedy" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (58 lines)
Once upon a time, in a place far, far away called "Las Vegas," there was an
18 year-old girl that had gone to the Mall one day and happened to stop in a
Doctor's Pet store.  In one of the cages was this little ball of white fur
that resembled something that you'd get if you crossed a european polecat
with a guinea pig (only with a higher I.Q.!) After buying a couple of books
about the long-nosed fuzzball, she decided to save her money and try to
figure out a way to get her Father to agree to it.  You see, this girl is
now a Veterinary Technician, so you can only imagine the animals she brought
home with her - whether they had Owners or not.  So, she talked her Dad into
letting her have a guinea pig, and told him that this type of guinea pig was
particulary funny-looking due to some sort of mutation down the line
somewhere.  So, off she went to the pet shop to pick up her "guinea pig".
Of course, her Mom knew exactly what she was doing, and thought there was a
good chance we could make Dad believe this.  She had let "Hotdog" ride home
inside her jacket, so she was pretty restless by the time they turned into
the driveway.  As Dad approached, "Hotdog" decided to stick her head out,
and proceeded to make that strange "dooka, dooka, dooka" noise directed at
Dad.  He just stood there for a minute, then said "That's gotta be the
ugliest damned guinea pig I've ever seen!" Hotdog (Dad named her) lived and
had a wonderful life for 7-8 years.  The rest is History.
This was prompted by a "tupperware" story I read a couple of days ago.  My
ferret, "Blossom" isn't only able to get into the kitchen cabinets in that
same way, she also has the misfortune to be able to maneuver a fairy heavy
bowl into such a position to make it fall on top of her, so that she can't
get out from under it.  The first time she did it, I heard a loud noise
coming from the kitchen, and when I went to investigate I saw one of my
bowls walking across the floor, making very strange noises.  But when I went
to rescue her, she went right back and tried it again with another bowl!
She is definitely the happiest creature I've ever seen - not a lot of common
sense, but happy.
Blossom also has a shoe "fetish", taking the insole out of my Hudband's work
shoes, and then hiding them.  Tonight, while I was on computer, I caught
some kind of movement out the corner of my eye.  When I looked in the
bedroom, one of my Husbands shoes was being dragged (slowly) across the
floor by the shoe laces.  When she couldn't get it into her "house", she
decided the next best thing was to take a nap on it.  But the insoles were
history, we never found them.
My Husband was stationed in Turkey while Desert Storm was going, and found
that they used olive oil for cooking there.  So, I started buying it by the
gallon (usually about $22.00 or so...), Not only did the food taste
"cleaner", but my hair starting growing more and more, and looked really
healthy, and shiny.  Well, I thought I'd try this on blossom, so instead of
giving her ferretone, I started giving her olive oil.  She started to fill
out quickly, and her coat was soft and shiny.  She put on about .5 lb., and
is extremely healthy!  Ferretone's good stuff, but this is better, at least
I think so.
Well, I'm running out of space here, so I'll go.  If anybody has any
feedback on olive oil, please write.
                      Susan and Blossom...
[Posted in FML issue 1902]