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Wed, 2 Apr 1997 18:24:11 -0500
"Mary L. McCarty" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (27 lines)
>From:    Brian <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: pet store ferts
>Anyway, a little while later it began to get antsy and figidy... As soon as
>she hit the grown she headed to the corner, went to the bathroom, got a
>drink of water and then went back to sleep.  As I said I don't own one but
>if they normally do this how do you get them to stop?
In my experience, ferrets won't stop fidgiting because this is the only way
they can say, "Hey!  Put me down, I gotta go REAL BAD!" All of my babies
(including others that I've held in pet stores) do this.  (Think about what
you do when you first wake up....;-))
When our first ferret (Podo) was a baby, my SO tried to stop him from
fussing and he was given a nice little "present" on his arm.  So, when you
get your own little fuzzbutt, just remember that you were warned <g>.  Once
the ferret goes, just let him/her out to play with you.  This way you will
have less "accidents" if your ferret is not into using a litterbox.
Mary & Patrick ;-)
The Fuzzy Buttheads....
Fatso - "Where's my food dish?"
Skinny - "Let's play, you lazy bum."
Bear - "I want a toupee, Mom!"
Maggie - "Well, I need a whole new fur coat!"
[Posted in FML issue 1891]