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Mon, 24 Mar 1997 19:48:44 +1200
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I apologize for the length of this mailing before I start...
I sent a note in to the FML almost two weeks ago in a real tizzy.  My baby
was sick, and no-one here knew what was wrong... Thanks to all your support,
information and e-mails, Guy has been diagnosed (insulinoma), and his
treatment has been going for over a week.  Now, for all those who want to
know how my baby is doing, I thought I'd sent in an update.
11/3 My sable hob, Guy, started walking strangely.  I decided to watch him
overnight to see if it continued in the morning, as he seemed healthy
12/3 Guy is still walking strangely, in fact he's made a definate turn for
the worse.  I go straight to my vet, who knows little about what can be
wrong.  In a panic, I wrote in to the FML with his symptoms.  Believing that
he may have 'wobbler syndrome', or a spinal injury, the vet puts Guy on
13/3 I receive TONS of e-mail from various FMLers with information.  All
suggest that my boy may have something called insulinoma.  I pass all the
information onto the vet.  By now, Guy has stopped eating and drinking, and
cannot walk.  He sleeps most of the day, waking only to drag himself to his
corner to go to the toilet.  He's booked in to go to the vet for testing in
the morning.  At least the fasting isn't going to be as bad as I thought it
would be...
14/3 Guy is still deteriorating.  He still refuses to eat, although he drank
a little in the morning.  He's already lost a lot of weight, and I'm scared
that he may not survive the next few days.  The vet doesn't like the look of
him, and we think the prednisone is having an adverse effect on him.  The
diagnosis of insulinoma is confirmed, and the vet decides to keep him on the
prednisone for now.  A change of diet is suggested - I write in to the FML
with a progress report, and request for information on 'duck soup'.
15/3 Guy's condition picks up.  He's slightly perkier than he was, and I'm
feeling more hopeful about his future.  Several people respond to my request
for information, and I find one specifically for insulinoma.  I rush into
town to buy what ingredients I can.  I'm still nervous about Guy's
prospects, and hope he'll take to the duck soup.  I'm a little worried,
because many of the ingredients aren't available in New Zealand, but readily
find substitutes.  Guy takes to the soup like a duck to water...
16/3 Guy's improvement in remarkable.  He is now half-dragging himself
around the house, and has chosen his own bed (he likes the cat basket with
the clothing and pillows best).  He has begun to eat the duck soup with
relish, although he still eats little.
17/3 - 21/3 Still more improvement.  He's eating more and more every day.
His fur is beginning to fall out, which scares me (I'm worried about adrenal
problems), the vet believes that this is mainly due to the stress of the
illness.  With Guy's further improvement, and some reassurance from people
e-mailing me, I decide to keep an eye on him, but not panic (yet).  He
hobbles down the stairs, and back up again by himself.  Not bad when, only a
few days before he couldn't walk!
22/3 I bring in my other ferrets for a run.  Guy chases some of the females
with interest (one of my females has just gone into heat) for over half an
hour.  He rests, and spends more time with them.  He needs his food bowl to
be refilled several times.  A definate improvement!  He's eating almost as
much as he should!  He's still skinny, more noticable because of his
semi-bald patches over his ribs, but he's doing fine.
23/3 Guy climbs onto the couch.  This is the first time he's managed this
since he's become ill.  He doesn't play with the girls as much, but he
spends more time looking around the house.  With the girls loose, the
offices are locked away, and one bedroom is closed so the cats can spend
some quality anti-ferret time.  He spends some time at the cat-door (to the
room with the cats), but loses interest when he finds it locked.  He climbs
onto my bed, and down again.  He's a lot more energetic now, even though
he's still sleeping much of the day.  Guy has started to eat a lot more,
almost doubling his intake at every meal!
24/3 (today) Guy's weight has started to rise, finally.  He's starting to
look less like a miniature skeleton with patchy skin.  Now, he's looking like
a real ferret!  He follows me when I make up his breakfast, and runs(!!!)
after me when I take it to his meal area.  YES!  He's doing good!!!
So, now I'm excited, as is the rest of my family.  The vet doesn't really
know why he's improved so quickly, but she's making no complaints.  Overall,
Guy is still a sick baby.  He's improved so much in such a short time it
amazes me.  These guys are so tough!  I admit, I'm still worried about him.
He doesn't play with me, but ever since I got Guy he hasn't shown signs of
playfulness.  He's always been a quiet boy who lives to escape.  (He rarely
succeeds because he's too big.) So far, he's made no concentrated efforts to
get free, but then, he knows he's lucky to have full run of the house 24
hours a day.  He knows when he's got it made!
Anyway, I thought you all (or is it all y'all?) deserved to be told about
Guy's progress so far.  He's been doing so well, and much of it is due to
the speed and thoroughness of the replies I received from the many people
who e-mailed and responded through the FML.  Thank you all.
Sam and Family
Ferrets: Gemn (tail-less wonder), Guy (lazy), Podo (my baby), Slinky
(nicknamed Stinky) and Vader (crazy)
Cats: Mule (stubborn as...) and Silver (whom everyone loves)
Rainbow Lorikeets: Johnny (baldy) and Jeni (cute as a multi-coloured button)
[Posted in FML issue 1882]